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NewsItem Inventory Revamp! (30 Posts and 524 Views) (Closed)
Topic Tags: Item, Inventory, Revamp, Sellback, Store, Market, Usershop, Trading, Plant, Pots

Dec 5th, 2017
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 9:25 PM
Nr. 1 #24228 18
After the Pixpet Inventory, the Item Inventory received a big revamp too! There are a lot of changes, lets get into it:


Like at the Pixpet Inventory, there are now a lot of tooltips integrated into the item pages! They give information about all item features and about why actions can be made or not. It will again help new players with getting the hang of the Pixpet mechanics.

Item Inventory Segments

The item inventory has been divided into 6 Segments. You can switch between each segments instantly to access options for items. The big appendix at the end of the page has been removed.

Changes: Sellback

The Item Sellback Page is completely integrated into the Item Inventory now while maintaining the same functionality as before. The item deleting option has been removed since you can now sellback ALL items. The sellback PC return rates are the same as before.

Changes: Usershop

You have a new setting for the Usershop now: Sell Single Units! If you turn on this option for items with a quantity higher than 2, fellow players can choose the stock amount they want to buy. The price is set per unit.

Last but not least: Plant Pot Removing

Something that has been requested since the first days of the beta! Plant pots with plants in them can now be moved back to the inventory! As long as a planted plant pot is in your inventory it is like "frozen". The plant does not grow or use up water. It will continue to grow once placed in your house again. Please note that it will count towards your House Plant Slot Limit, even if in your inventory!

This feature comes in handy when you do not want to water your plants for a longer period or if you want to move houses.

I hope to make the game more sleek and fun with those changes! A lot of things in the code were changed so it is possible that new bugs sneaked in. If you find something suspicious, please report it to our Site Bugs forum.
Thank you!

Happy Playing!

Jul 10th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 9:32 PM
Nr. 2 #24230
Oh wow, I'm liking these updates more and more each day!
Polumetis's Signature
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 9:32 PM
Nr. 3 #24231
The plant pot removing is SUCH A GOOD UPDATE
bgyoshi's Signature
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 9:32 PM
Nr. 4 #24232
AH! The unit pricing and planted plant pot removal options make me very happy. Thank you for the excellent update!
Zii's Signature
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Dec 1st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 9:33 PM
Nr. 5 #24233
These are great! The plant pot option will also come in handy if you are going on holiday, just pop it in you inventory until you get back XD
Wayvern's Signature

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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 9:43 PM
Nr. 6 #24234
So many great updates! I'm glad I won't have to restock my usershop as often anymore ^^
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Feb 23rd, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 9:54 PM
Nr. 7 #24235
Glad to see this updates! Sadly I moved just a couple days ago, and the cost was to destroy a G100 Lucid and a G100 Tricolor

Well, at least from now on, that isn't going to happen again neither to me nor to anyone else.

Sep 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 9:59 PM
Nr. 8 #24236
Mind if I buy one of those 9000 pc goat evobars?
Great updates as always
Minaline's Signature

Jun 1st, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 10:06 PM
Nr. 9 #24238
@Minaline I'll trade a goat evobar for a color reroll thank you for the update!
Ricohard's Signature
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 10:10 PM
Nr. 10 #24239
yessss this makes things so much easier! i'm less afraid of expanding my inventory now lol, great update. i also appreciate the ease of putting up things to sell
Kookaburra's Signature

May 2nd, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 10:12 PM
Nr. 11 #24240
AAAAA FINALLY I dont have to murder my poor plants
ToonLover4502's Signature
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Dec 24th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 10:12 PM
Nr. 12 #24241
Oh man, this is great!
timeblitz's Signature
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 10:13 PM
Nr. 13 #24242
Yes! No more plants has to die when moving houses!
cynderplayer's Signature

Apr 18th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 10:21 PM
Nr. 14 #24243
the plant update!!!! yes thank you!!!!
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Jan 13th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 10:26 PM
Nr. 15 #24244
Omg yes!! Every time I’ve moved I’ve been reluctant to because of my plants... so glad that’s not a problem anymore!

May 16th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 10:49 PM
Nr. 16 #24245

Jan 16th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 10:50 PM
Nr. 17 #24246
I'm so happy about the plants part of the update! It'll make going places without internet access so much less stressful, since I'll just be able to store my plants away when I am not able to water them as frequently :D
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Jan 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 11:16 PM
Nr. 18 #24247
Ooh this looks like an awesome update! And the option to remove plant pots with plants still in them is very helpful!
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May 6th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jul 16th, 2019 - 11:28 PM
Nr. 19 #24248
Thanks so much! Especially the plant pot update!! ^^

Feb 15th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jul 17th, 2019 - 12:32 AM
Nr. 20 #24255
While I'm beyind excited for the sell back feature (which I will be using ALOT soon), can I point out your 46 Noo Long variant evobars? X3
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