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Item Storage Only Shows One Item (13 Posts and 104 Views)
Topic Tags: Item Storage, Market, Sell

Aug 8th, 2019
Posts: 10
Pixpets: 152
Pixdex: 67
4 Years ago
Oct 30th, 2019 - 12:54 PM
Nr. 1 #31214
Hi guys! Im an avid fan of dragonadopter and now pixpet. It's quite normal to have some glitches and bugs in the game. There is no perfect system of game development. However, it's been more than a week that my storage always display only item. I've tried clicking "Reset Search" and "Reset Display" many times but nothing happen. It always shows the same result ---- it only display one item. Additionally, the button for "Sellback", "Add to Market", and "Add to Usershop" is'nt working. Hope someone can see this thread and resolve this issue. Thank you so much for the effort and time reading this.

Aug 8th, 2019
Posts: 10
Pixpets: 152
Pixdex: 67
4 Years ago
Oct 30th, 2019 - 1:00 PM
Nr. 2 #31216
For reference, Im using Huawei Tablet and sometime laptop Windows10. I ran the game using chrome or mozilla. But sadly, it shows same result. Hope it can be resolve :(
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Dec 1st, 2018
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4 Years ago
Oct 30th, 2019 - 1:33 PM
Nr. 3 #31217
What is the item that you can see?

Are you able to get a screen shot?
Wayvern's Signature


Aug 8th, 2019
Posts: 10
Pixpets: 152
Pixdex: 67
4 Years ago
Oct 31st, 2019 - 7:12 AM
Nr. 4 #31327
Thank you Mr. Moderator for replying. It only shows the first item for every sorting option I clicked. Example, if I sort with "Recieved" it only shows Pixeldust or if I sort using "Placed" it only shows Red Tinted Concrete Slab. Unfortunately, I can't insert any picture or screenshot. It only shows [img][/img] everytime I insert picture. :(

Apr 3rd, 2019
Posts: 73
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4 Years ago
Oct 31st, 2019 - 3:38 PM
Nr. 5 #31353 1
to attach an image, you put the url of the image in between the [img][/img]. make sure you host it on a site like imgur or photobucket, and it includes .png or .jpg in the end of the link.
Game Moderator

Dec 1st, 2018
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4 Years ago
Nov 3rd, 2019 - 1:12 PM
Nr. 6 #31541
I have tested the above with your account restrictions and there does appear to be a bug.

@Komodo, this one is for you.
Wayvern's Signature


Aug 8th, 2019
Posts: 10
Pixpets: 152
Pixdex: 67
4 Years ago
Nov 4th, 2019 - 6:15 AM
Nr. 7 #31575
Thank you for helping Mr. Moderator! God Bless. Hope that this will be resolve. :)

Aug 8th, 2019
Posts: 10
Pixpets: 152
Pixdex: 67
4 Years ago
Nov 4th, 2019 - 6:37 AM
Nr. 8 #31576
Hi Moderators! These are the screenshots of the issue I'm telling about. Thanks :)





Aug 8th, 2019
Posts: 10
Pixpets: 152
Pixdex: 67
4 Years ago
Nov 4th, 2019 - 2:22 PM
Nr. 9 #31586
My item storage is on the verge of getting full. Been suffering this kind of system glitch for 3 weeks now. Hope someone will notice my concern. Thank you. :(
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Jan 15th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Nov 4th, 2019 - 7:11 PM
Nr. 10 #31594
Soory for the late reply, I have allocated the issue there and notified Komodo about this!
As for now, there isn't really something I can do in order to help you.
I'll look deeper into it and if I have more information for you, I'll send you a PM!
Takkju's Signature
No, you are not allowed to do this! And no, don't even ask me if you are allowed to do this!


Dec 5th, 2017
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4 Years ago
Nov 4th, 2019 - 7:25 PM
Nr. 11 #31596
Looking into it.

Dec 5th, 2017
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4 Years ago
Nov 4th, 2019 - 7:36 PM
Nr. 12 #31597
@Euman I fixed this now, thanks for the report!

Aug 8th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Nov 5th, 2019 - 12:02 AM
Nr. 13 #31607
Thank you soooooo much Mr.Moderators! God Bless! :)
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