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A few questions (3 Posts and 39 Views)

Jan 15th, 2020
Posts: 11
Pixpets: 8
Pixdex: 4
4 Years ago
Jan 17th, 2020 - 5:40 PM
Nr. 1 #33772
I just joined and I have a few questions that are bothering me.

1. Is there a way to buy currency aside from Patreon? It's kind of a letdown to pay 10 bucks to get some currency only to find out I have to wait half a month to get it. And then if I want to buy more I have to either stay pledged (which I don't want to do) or buy it at the beginning of the month and pray that I don't have to wait an entire month. Not to mention it makes it impossible to buy more than once a month.

2. Will there be a "Buy Instantly" option added to the market? It seems odd that bidding is the only option.

3. How can I search the forums? I was going to look up the items I wanted in the dealers den but without a search option it'd take ages to find the One Thing I Need.

4. Is there a way to get more arcade tokens?

Sorry if I came across as rude at all, but these are quite frustrating issues for me. Thanks for your time.

Feb 2nd, 2019
Posts: 230
Pixpets: 140
Pixdex: 142
4 Years ago
Jan 17th, 2020 - 6:03 PM
Nr. 2 #33775 3
Hey there, welcome to the site! Your tone didn't come off rude to me at all, I get being frustrated and stuck on stuff, so maybe I can lend you a hand here:

1. - There is indeed! On the pixpet ticket page, there's a blue header under your ticket balance that says "purchase pixpet tickets"; after selecting an amount from the dropdown list and clicking the "select amount" button, you'll get a paypal prompt. If you're not comfy with paypal, I'm not sure if there is another payment site that you can use? That would be something to message site admin Komodo about directly, maybe you could work something out there

2. - This is a question that a lot of people are asking, among others; currently, the only way to instantly buy things from other players is through the usershop function, but that's very limited and there is no search function. BK47 set up a thread here to collect user feedback on the market system, if you'd like to add yours there and see what others are saying and add your own input!

3. - The forum search function is in the dropdown list when you hover over "forum" at the top of the page, and here is a direct link to it as well! You get the option to search the entire forums or limit to just one subforum, but also keep in mind that some users sell so many different items, that they don't list all of them in tags or keywords

4. - As of now, we're only limited to 3 tokens a day, but you're still able to play the games without them, albeit without that sweet pixcoin reward. I'm hoping the token limit gets increased later down the line, especially with new games getting released

Hope this helps! If there's anything else you need clarification on, just ask away
Overcast's Signature

Jan 15th, 2020
Posts: 11
Pixpets: 8
Pixdex: 4
4 Years ago
Jan 17th, 2020 - 6:29 PM
Nr. 3 #33780 1
Ahh, you've been a brilliant help! Thank you so much for your time.
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