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ClosedCanem's Den of Scribbles! (56 Posts and 447 Views)
Topic Tags: Art, shop, commissions

Oct 21st, 2019
Posts: 56
Pixpets: 174
Pixdex: 92
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 1:54 AM
Nr. 1 #39231 3

Welcome to my Den!

! - Hello! My name is Theo and that good boy holding the sign is Winter!

Basically I'm here to draw whatever you want! (Within reason haha.) and this my art den! I want to do this for practice and fun! Below, I'll put some of my examples to see if what I offer is for you!

General Stuff

300x300 Pagedolls

768x768 Icons/Headshots

Ref Sheets

Want more examples? Please redirect your pretty eyes to my TH here!

Even if what I offer is not for you, thanks a lot for looking at my art! <3 Now, let's have some rules!

Can do:
-My strength is in ferals, mainly canines but I can do most animals.
-Anthros with feral features(like, none of that flat faced stuff) but hair is cool.
-Closed Species depending in the complexity of the design.
-Ask me!

Won't do:
-Anything that goes against Pixpet rules, etc.
-Honestly, just ask me I'll let you know.

¤WARNING: I do most of my work on my low-end tablet, so I can't do anything too detailed, like backgrounds or extremely complex designs, thanks for understanding.

¤I can refuse at any moment or/if I don't feel confident with the request. Sorry.

¤I am a very slow artist, please be patient with me, thank you.

¤You'll have to bribe me for the fullbody anthros since I don't like doing them very much.

¤For me to start the commission you'll have to send the first half of the payment, after I'm done you'll have to send the other half.

Now to the forms and the slots! (and prices!)



-Flat color = 300
-Full detail = 500


-Flat Color = 800
-Full detail = 1000


-Flat color = 1500
-Full detail = 2000

¤Ref Sheets= [These will depend on the complexity of the character and how much detail you want] NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE!


You can PM it to me too if you'd prefer! No worries!

¤ Username:
¤ Reference: (link or image)
¤ BG: y/n? (only for headshots, and they will be simple)
¤ Sticker-like Outline: y/n? (If yes, which color)
¤ Type:
¤ Other: anything else I should know of your character or something specific you want, or something simple you'd like to add, etc.


2/3 slots available.
Totodile2064 - flat color fullbody

Where to contact me?

¤ Here! Through PM's.
¤ My Discord: CanemMorningstar#5751
¤ Toyhouse: CanemMorningstar

Please credit my toyhouse if you upload it anywhere, thanks for your interest!

Dec 4th, 2018
Posts: 153
Pixpets: 203
Pixdex: 62
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 2:34 AM
Nr. 2 #39232
Hey there! Your artwork looks really awesome!!

¤ Username: ShiroLycan
¤ Reference: fluffy dragon
¤ BG: no
¤ Sticker-like Outline: y
¤ Other: full-body / can the expression be happy/playful?
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Oct 21st, 2019
Posts: 56
Pixpets: 174
Pixdex: 92
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 3:23 AM
Nr. 3 #39233
Hey! Sure :3c thanks for being my first client! Any color in particular for the outline?

Oct 21st, 2019
Posts: 56
Pixpets: 174
Pixdex: 92
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 7:05 AM
Nr. 4 #39236

anyways, here's wonderwall floofboi

If there's something you want changed let me know!

Dec 4th, 2018
Posts: 153
Pixpets: 203
Pixdex: 62
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 4:16 PM
Nr. 5 #39240
WOWOWOWOWOW!!! It looks so beautiful and flooofy!! Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner on the outline color but green is perfect! It's my favorite color~

I would like some things changed . Can you shorten the nails on the hind legs and make them the same color as the fur? And no hand claws, please~ Lastly, can you make the tail end look more like a feather?
Please and thank you so much!
Sorry for being picky!!

Sending payment right away!
I hope it's enough... I'm not sure what the normal rate is....
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Mar 9th, 2021
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 8
Pixdex: 4
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 4:28 PM
Nr. 6 #39242
Halo! I came across your page! Your art looks really good, so I'd like to request a piece:
¤ Username: spicefinch
¤ Reference: artfiles.alphacoders.com/859/85991.jpg
¤ BG: n
¤ Sticker-like Outline: y, glowing white please?
¤ Other: nothing.
I'll pay between 50-200 pc depending on quality!

Oct 21st, 2019
Posts: 56
Pixpets: 174
Pixdex: 92
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 4:38 PM
Nr. 7 #39244
@Lycan sure no problem! And what you sent it's okay! It's pay what you want after all haha

@spicefinch yeah sure! But what do you want? Full body, half body, icons/headshot?

Mar 9th, 2021
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 8
Pixdex: 4
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 4:39 PM
Nr. 8 #39245
@Ravenstag Fullbody. <Please!>

Oct 21st, 2019
Posts: 56
Pixpets: 174
Pixdex: 92
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 5:14 PM
Nr. 9 #39250

Edited floofball let me know if its okay!

Dec 4th, 2018
Posts: 153
Pixpets: 203
Pixdex: 62
3 Years ago
Mar 9th, 2021 - 5:41 PM
Nr. 10 #39252
I love the floofiness!! It's incredible!! Thank you so much! It's perfect!! Thank you!
Lycan's Signature

^ Hello! I'm Lil' Slice, a Pseudotail! Come here to
----adopt or check out others like me!

Oct 21st, 2019
Posts: 56
Pixpets: 174
Pixdex: 92
3 Years ago
Mar 10th, 2021 - 2:03 AM
Nr. 11 #39258
One dergon for @spicefinch enjoy!


Mar 9th, 2021
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 8
Pixdex: 4
3 Years ago
Mar 10th, 2021 - 3:11 PM
Nr. 12 #39264
WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! Amazing!!! Sending 100 pc!! He's beyootiful!

Mar 9th, 2021
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 8
Pixdex: 4
3 Years ago
Mar 10th, 2021 - 4:04 PM
Nr. 13 #39267
¤ Username: spicefinch
¤ Reference: storage.googleapis.com/plugbucket/pub/up/d/d66/d66a2f09c9d741c8b4cf7483a5dac976/img1.jpg (the one with the red head is the one I'd like you to draw)
¤ BG: no
¤ Sticker-like Outline: yes, around the edge, a pale blue
¤ Type: icon
¤ Other: nope

Oct 21st, 2019
Posts: 56
Pixpets: 174
Pixdex: 92
3 Years ago
Mar 10th, 2021 - 4:47 PM
Nr. 14 #39271
@spicefinch I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the payment, I'll see about your icon some time later :3c

Mar 9th, 2021
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 8
Pixdex: 4
3 Years ago
Mar 10th, 2021 - 4:51 PM
Nr. 15 #39272
Quote by: @Ravenstag
@spicefinch I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the payment, I'll see about your icon some time later :3c
Are you kidding, I loved it! And take your time, I'm in no rush

Feb 24th, 2021
Posts: 19
Pixpets: 2
Pixdex: 3
3 Years ago
Mar 10th, 2021 - 11:39 PM
Nr. 16 #39281
¤ Username:Billythecow
¤ Reference: This guy plz!
¤ BG: Maybe some fall leaves? You don't have to
¤ Type:Headshot
How many pc do you want? I can do 25 or over if you wish.

Feb 21st, 2019
Posts: 153
Pixpets: 124
Pixdex: 41
3 Years ago
Mar 11th, 2021 - 12:06 AM
Nr. 17 #39283

I'm not ready to commission anyone right now, but just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed looking at your art. I especially like your three-tailed kitsune and the pixel avatar.

Oct 21st, 2019
Posts: 56
Pixpets: 174
Pixdex: 92
3 Years ago
Mar 11th, 2021 - 12:37 AM
Nr. 18 #39286 1
@Billythecow sure! I'll make it sometime tomorrow! It's okay with whatever you want!

@Psidra I always been kind of nervous about my art so thanks a lot for your kind words! Yeah I really liked working on the kitsune too!

Feb 24th, 2021
Posts: 19
Pixpets: 2
Pixdex: 3
3 Years ago
Mar 11th, 2021 - 2:07 PM
Nr. 19 #39296
Take as long as you want, your art great!

Oct 21st, 2019
Posts: 56
Pixpets: 174
Pixdex: 92
3 Years ago
Mar 12th, 2021 - 12:41 AM
Nr. 20 #39312
One! bird! for @spicefinch

And one goat for @Billythecow

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