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Inventory Sorting Glitches (3 Posts and 58 Views)
Topic Tags: inventory, sorting, categories, glitch
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5 Years ago
Nov 10th, 2018 - 9:31 PM
Nr. 1 #1134
To summarize what I'm experiencing with inventory sorting:

- Some items aren't displayed under certain categories. This is the most common glitch.

- Some items are displayed multiple times (same grade, same quantity) on different pages under certain categories.

- There was an instance where I encountered one of the above glitches, and then after clicking through my inventory pages some more, it changed into the other glitch.

These screenshots show the second type of glitch, an item of the same grade and quantity appearing more than once on different pages (in this case under Rarity, but it's happened in other categories too):

I can get screenshots of the first type of glitch, but it would entail taking a screenshot of every page in my inventory in order to show that the item is missing from that category, and I don't really wanna do that, but I will if I'm asked to... xD

While these glitches aren't really that noticeable if you just leave your inventory sorted by Received (which displays everything properly), it can be a little bit frustrating if you want to find an item quickly and you use the sorting feature, only to discover that the item you're looking for isn't appearing under the category you chose.

Edit: I just remembered, I seem to have the most problems when sorting by Mass, Type, or Rarity. Meanwhile I've never had any problems with Received or Name.
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Dec 5th, 2017
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5 Years ago
Nov 11th, 2018 - 11:14 PM
Nr. 2 #1137 1
Will investigate this within the next few days, thank you for reporting. :)

Dec 5th, 2017
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5 Years ago
Nov 26th, 2018 - 6:31 PM
Nr. 3 #1255 1
I have now added a secondary sorting. For entries that are the same, it should now sort by received, I hope this fixes this problem.
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