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A few questions about adventure (6 Posts and 106 Views)

Nov 21st, 2018
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2 Years ago
Oct 26th, 2021 - 8:05 PM
Nr. 1 #41579 1

1. Gate guard Kiara mentions liking puzzle boxes and magazines but it's impossible to give her those items - will it be possible to give them to her in the future or is it possible now and my game is just buggy?

2. Could someone tell me where I can find the Purpur Crystal? Even just a small hint would be great because I've been searching for it for days now and I can't find it.

3. Does Vivid Bullture exist? I've never seen it in the game and on anyone's profile. It doesn't seem to be in the Pixdex either.

Also, this isn't a question, but I noticed Vivid Crocus Shluppbun has the exact same color groups as its non vivid variant.
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2 Years ago
Oct 26th, 2021 - 9:46 PM
Nr. 2 #41581 1
Hey there @Evlin, the Kiara quest is admittedly a bit tricky because it requires knowing the time of day and the precise moment to give her items.

Here are instructions for Kiara (this answers your second question also):

As for Vivid Bullture, it's currently not implemented, and we're not sure when it will be. Same goes for vivid legendaries.

Thanks for pointing out vivid Crocus' colors; I'll let Komodo know about it. Edit: It's been fixed!

Let me know if anything I said was confusing or if you have further questions!
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Nov 21st, 2018
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2 Years ago
Oct 27th, 2021 - 9:45 AM
Nr. 3 #41589 1
@BK47 thank you so much, I got it! :D

Mar 18th, 2020
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2 Years ago
Oct 27th, 2021 - 8:31 PM
Nr. 4 #41593
where do you find kiara?

edit: i found her a few times, but i lost her '^w^
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Nov 21st, 2018
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2 Years ago
Oct 27th, 2021 - 8:35 PM
Nr. 5 #41594 1
@KawaiiKasumi365 she appears at night in Gateway City at the Entrance Gate :)

Apr 6th, 2020
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2 Years ago
Oct 28th, 2021 - 1:11 PM
Nr. 6 #41606 1
@BK47 Ah, that explains why my vivid crocus shluppbun changed from lime to magenta! I was looking about to see if there was a new update post about this haha
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