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NewsPixpet Descriptions + Beta Feedback Survey (1 Post and 165 Views) (Closed)
Topic Tags: Survey, beta, Descriptions, Pixpet

Dec 5th, 2017
Posts: 1145
Pixpets: 81
Pixdex: 30
5 Years ago
Dec 2nd, 2018 - 5:32 PM
Nr. 1 #1286 2
In order to give the Pixpets more depth, each Pixpet features a small description now! They can be read at the Pixdex. Descriptions are only visible for Pixpets you hatched already. If you find any grammatical or even logical mistakes please post the in our Typo Thread. Thank you!

The beta is nearing the end and I have put up a survey about it! Your feedback will help us improving the game experience further and give us a guide about the direction we will head in the future. Filling out doesn't take long and will help us immensely! Obviously the survey is only for testers of the beta:

Also there have been following bugfixes:
  • There was a bug with auctions where the item/egg would not be added to the inventory.

  • With usershops is was possible to exceed the item inventory limit. Also, a full inventory warning is now displayed at public userpages.

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