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SellFetching Diamond Nuggets (1 Post and 24 Views)
Topic Tags: diamond nugget, nugget, diamond
Site Artist

Aug 19th, 2019
Posts: 199
Pixpets: 240
Pixdex: 162
1 Year ago
May 6th, 2022 - 2:45 AM
Nr. 1 #44695 1
If you are:

1. In need of a Diamond Nugget to evolve a Vivid Draconeer
2. Too impatient to wait for the quest to be rewritten, whenever that happens
3. Also too impatient to train a pet from the evo line to do the quest

Then maybe I could help you out?

For you specifically I will hatch a Techtagon (feel free to suggest a name), put them through a strict training routine until they are ready to face the Sunobra and wrangle the nugget out of its grasp.

For payment, I have many options, whichever may suit you the best. I take:

Pixcoin PPT Pumpkin products Pumpkin seeds Plant products G90+ Potion Ingredients Moon Drops Evobars Potions Adventure Potions Rare deco Fertilizers (pumpkin fruits increase, max fruits)

Simply make an offer. I value one Diamond Nugget at roughly 3000pc (including instant hatch potion price and time it takes to train the pet) but since the price of things is very much left up to interpretation, I won't be picky.

Also if anyone wants to do it themselves after all but is not sure how to prepare a pet for the quest can ask me and I'll make a guide
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