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Egg hatching progress lowered or reset entirely while in inventory (2 Posts and 38 Views)

Oct 30th, 2022
Posts: 5
Pixpets: 202
Pixdex: 73
1 Year ago
Nov 5th, 2022 - 2:44 PM
Nr. 1 #45510 1
Description of the Bug: I bought a new house, and emptied my previous house using 'clear house parts' which moved the eggs to my inventory, switched to the new house and decorated it using the housing decorator (in chrome as it does not work on firefox). Afterwards, went to place all the eggs back in the house, after doing so I realized that one of the eggs, my Kaleidophin egg which had previously been at 98% was now at 0%. I have two, so I thought maybe I can placed the wrong egg, removed the one from my house and searched my inventory, but both were showing 0%. The other two eggs, one which was over 90% and the other I believe was around 80-90% were both down to 62-63%. The process would have taken probably ten min if not less, I have hardly any items so decorating the house did not take that long. Eggs were placed from my inventory, not using the housing decorator. All were placed within a minute or two of one another. I didn't do anything else between buying the new house, decorating, and placing the eggs. Occurred around midnight-12:30am EST 11/5/22.

Pets involved;
308979 - Owluck (hatched overnight)
308922 - Velibolt (hatched overnight)
306329 - Kaleidophin egg (now in inventory)
Not 100% sure which Kaleidophin egg in my inventory since they are both at 0% now but it should be the first one I bought in the market, which my market history shows is this one.

Steps to reproduce:
Remove eggs with hatching progress from house using Clear Housing Parts
Use housing decorator while eggs are in inventory for ~5-15 min?
Place eggs in house from inventory, check hatch progress

What should have happened? From what I understand, egg hatching progress should not have been lost at all.

What did happen? 2 eggs lost about 30% of their hatch progress and the 3rd lost all of it. All 3 were nearly done hatching beforehand.

My System: PC, Firefox Version 106.0.3. (For housing decorator, used Chrome Version 107.0.5304.88, switched back to Firefox immediately after done decorating)

Please let me know if you need additional information c:

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 417
Pixpets: 262
Pixdex: 60
1 Year ago
Nov 10th, 2022 - 5:55 AM
Nr. 2 #45527 1
Thanks Celozon, will look into this. Will let you know if we need additional info
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