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NewsIMPORTANT! Pixpet Market Auctions (please read!) (1 Post and 227 Views) (Closed)

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 417
Pixpets: 262
Pixdex: 60
1 Year ago
Nov 8th, 2022 - 2:37 PM
Nr. 1 #45521 11
Hi players, it's come to our attention that as of yesterday's server blip with the internet provider changing some of their software(rather they completely changed their database server to a different version if you want to get technical), has unfortunately indirectly affected us. For the time being please DO NOT put any pixpet/item on auction, as there is a high likelyhood they will end up in the void.

(If you have lost items/pixpets this way please contact a game moderator or comment here and we will investigate your account to return the item to you.)

Thank you for your understanding, we're working to rectify this problem. Atm announcement is a stopgap since it'll take some time on our part to disable/fix this issue.

Edit : we have temporarily disabled these features while we fix the issue. Sorry and thank you for your understanding.

Edit 2 : We have re-enabled the auctions. It should be working now. Please let us know if you run into further errors. Thank you for your patience.

Edit 3 : If you were affected by this, please drop a DM and let me know your affected items, so that we can run checks. Thank you.
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