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Are guides relating to Adventure Mode Allowed? (3 Posts and 52 Views)

May 20th, 2019
Posts: 13
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1 Year ago
Nov 15th, 2022 - 2:26 AM
Nr. 1 #45544
Perhaps an odd question, but I've played games where they don't allow you to say, give away the answers or where to find things in adventure-like scenario's. Thus, the title. Is it allowed to make guides pertaining to the Adventure Mode, and in case specifics are needed:

- A list of Potion Venders, where they are, what they sell, etc
- Locations of vivid Pixpet's
- Egg Potion success rates among Vivid Pixpet's
- Pixcoins dropped by Vivid's

And so on. I've been collecting some of this data for personal use but I thought I may as well try to make a Guide from it, alas I must check first.

Apologies if this question is mundane !
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1 Year ago
Nov 15th, 2022 - 4:31 AM
Nr. 2 #45545 1
Hey there @RoamingDesolation, yes that's totally fine! Honestly I've been meaning to make some adventure guides myself, but just can't find the time lol.

The only thing I might advise is if someone decides to make a guide about the quests (whether the main story or side quests), a spoiler warning would be appreciated for those. I know you didn't suggest making a guide for quests, but figured I'd mention it for future players who might consider writing adventure guides.

Other than that, go for it! We actually get a lot of people asking us if there are any guides for the adventure, so you'd be helping those players out big time :)
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May 20th, 2019
Posts: 13
Pixpets: 175
Pixdex: 151
1 Year ago
Nov 15th, 2022 - 4:28 PM
Nr. 3 #45547 1
@BK47 AH, thank you!

Hopefully I can better conclude my personal data in a guide format, ugly spreadsheets 'n all. In case, I'll keep the spoiler concern in mind. Thank you for the response!
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