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ImprovementStandardize buying menus in Pixpet Adventures (2 Posts and 35 Views)
Topic Tags: pixpet adventure, adventure

Jan 2nd, 2019
Posts: 13
Pixpets: 40
Pixdex: 26
1 Year ago
Mar 4th, 2023 - 9:10 AM
Nr. 1 #45817 2
(I've been going back and forth as to whether or not to put this on the suggestions or bug report forum, but I figure this might be better since nothing is "bugged". All the parts in play were functional, but they were arranged in a bad way.)

While looking through scrolls I could use for my Mobath at Boris (the Girafira at Gateway City), I accidentally purchased a scroll I didn't mean to buy. I'm not asking for my coins back, though this instance does highlight a problem that may apply to other NPC run stores.

The specific scroll I didn't mean to buy was the Blue Dragonfire Scroll. This scroll, along with the Dragonfire Scroll, has the button to purchase it on the left side of the screen, whereas all other scrolls at Boris's have their purchase button on the right side of the screen (2/5 options with purchase buttons on right side). With this, I believe I had the expectation that all of the "cancel purchase" buttons would be on the left side of the screen, but imagine my surprise when I purchase a rather expensive scroll instead.


I had a look around to see if other scroll merchants had this issue. As far as I know, the merchants from Gateway City (except Boris) to Unity Bridge all have their "cancel purchase" dialogue option on the left hand side. This however doesn't account for any interactions in these areas I've missed, as well as areas outside of this range. If there are other merchants with trickily placed dialogue options, I strongly suggest standardizing them to be consistent with all other merchants.

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 417
Pixpets: 262
Pixdex: 60
1 Year ago
Mar 6th, 2023 - 3:00 AM
Nr. 2 #45822 1
Thank you, we have been aware of this problem. Due to the nature of how the adventure more was initially designed, the alterations might break the system if not careful. Been deliberating over the best way to handle this @_@.
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