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ImprovementAlternative to auctions (5 Posts and 60 Views)
Topic Tags: auction,market

Sep 26th, 2023
Posts: 32
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5 Months ago
Nov 1st, 2023 - 6:12 PM
Nr. 1 #46343 2
Can we please have an alternative to the auction market? Every time certain users start bidding, I already know I'm going to lose. So my other options are to find someone who has the same item in their usershops that hasn't been sniped yet, or to hope my pets will find the item on a hoard, and who knows how long that could take. Either way, it's not fair that users with more money are able to dominate the market like this.
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5 Months ago
Nov 1st, 2023 - 7:12 PM
Nr. 2 #46344 2
Your current alternatives are usershops as you mentioned (which, true, admittedly aren't often stocked with the items someone may be looking for, even with usershop search in terms of visibility people often prefer the market for selling desirable items) and forum threads where you can make an offer on the item(s) you need and see if someone is willing to sell to you. The discord server is also an option. With such a small playerbase it can inevitably take a while to get responses though so that's a downside. Still worth a try though!

Pixpet eggs and pixinytes are currently auctions only but I'm fairly certain that the ability to trade them and add them to usershops was planned. I may need to ask about that, actually :0

But if you have an entirely new idea for an alternative or maybe how to improve existing ones, feel free to make it :)
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5 Months ago
Nov 1st, 2023 - 8:29 PM
Nr. 3 #46345 1
Hey again @Wind, sorry to hear that you're having a frustrating experience with the auction market.

Much as I love Pixpet and will stand by it, the auction market admittedly has always been hard to defend. I'll try not to write a wall of text, but basically it wasn't really made with new players in mind. As Lorie pretty much said, the auctions are more for people who are trying to get the most money possible for desirable items/eggs/pixinytes, so naturally it's dominated by richer players (which can be good for you IF you have a desirable item to auction, lol). And that would be totally fine if the auction market wasn't front and center like it currently is.

(See Cherche's post below) And Lorie is correct that egg trading is planned via usershops (not sure about pixinytes), but I don't remember whether our coder is currently being asked to prioritize something else, or if that's just taking a while because of how rigid the code is. @Cherche may be able to clarify a bit (or correct me) when she has time.

Other than that, Lorie has pretty much said everything I wanted to say lol. Dealers Den (both on forums and discord) is your best bet since sometimes people forget or lose motivation to restock their usershops, but the items you want are certainly out there in someone's inventory lol.

Either way, we definitely hear you and stuff is being done, just slowly! :x
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Sep 26th, 2023
Posts: 32
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5 Months ago
Nov 2nd, 2023 - 2:09 AM
Nr. 4 #46346 1
Thank you both for replying so fast! I'll give the Dealers Den a try :0 And it's good to see things are being worked on, even if slowly. Looking forward to what may come out in the future

Sep 26th, 2018
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5 Months ago
Nov 9th, 2023 - 2:37 AM
Nr. 5 #46371 2
@_@ sorry for the slow reply, been a busy busy week.

Yeah due to the original nature of the code there were some complications trying to alter things like this without breaking the site :X if we ever come up with a solution for it, will make announcement.
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