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The Monkey's Paw - Forum Styled (66 Posts and 269 Views)
Topic Tags: Communication, Imagination

Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Nov 23rd, 2021 - 4:15 PM
Nr. 21 #42346
Granted, but you can't hatch/return/auction/otherwise get rid of it.

I wish for...another wish
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2 Years ago
Nov 23rd, 2021 - 6:44 PM
Nr. 22 #42354
Granted, but you have to clean 10 public toilets to earn it

I wish to be more articulate
BK47's Signature
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Oct 11th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Nov 23rd, 2021 - 7:07 PM
Nr. 23 #42361 1
...but no one want's to talk to you because of that now :(
HelenOfTroy's Signature
Interaction Kiriban time (version 9)

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Credits to BK47 for the idea of a kiriban!

Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Nov 23rd, 2021 - 7:13 PM
Nr. 24 #42364
Don’t forget to make a wish!
Pudding2019's Signature

Oct 11th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Nov 23rd, 2021 - 8:49 PM
Nr. 25 #42366
Pretend you saw nothing
...but no one wants to talk to you ever again. I wish for infinite PPT
HelenOfTroy's Signature
Interaction Kiriban time (version 9)

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Credits to BK47 for the idea of a kiriban!

Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Nov 23rd, 2021 - 9:38 PM
Nr. 26 #42372
Granted, now Pixpet goes bankrupt because ppl get free tickets from you instead of buying them.

I wish for a cute countryball plush that neither causes harm nor is itself harmed.
Pudding2019's Signature

Oct 11th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Dec 1st, 2021 - 4:12 PM
Nr. 27 #42604
It will not ever cause harm, though it only gives people around it sadness.

I wish for Pixpet to grow, with many more members online!
HelenOfTroy's Signature
Interaction Kiriban time (version 9)

more info on my public profile page

Credits to BK47 for the idea of a kiriban!

Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Dec 1st, 2021 - 8:35 PM
Nr. 28 #42660
Granted. It grows as popular as Chicken Smoothie! And it becomes absolutely crawling with scammers, spammers, total jerks who bite the newbies, trolls, and all-around toxicity. Then Komodo has the bright idea of doing a collab with Flight Rising without FR’s knowledge, and a huge scandal follows: Draxgate. Then r34 artists jump on the bandwagon, causing the site to be flooded with pornography, and another scandal follows. Komodo, horrified at what he has created, wisely decides to shut down the site.

I wish for a countryball plush!
Pudding2019's Signature

Oct 11th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Dec 2nd, 2021 - 2:35 AM
Nr. 29 #42697
You get a countryball plush...
...but the colors are the complete opposite of what you wanted!

I wish the evil in the Monkey's Paw to disappear!
HelenOfTroy's Signature
Interaction Kiriban time (version 9)

more info on my public profile page

Credits to BK47 for the idea of a kiriban!

Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Dec 3rd, 2021 - 12:51 AM
Nr. 30 #42741
…but the Paw itself disappears…
…and then it turned out to be all just a dream.

I wish my forum game was more active
Pudding2019's Signature

Oct 11th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Dec 9th, 2021 - 4:22 PM
Nr. 31 #42867
It becomes more active, with very NSFW messages!

I wish for better "artsy-fartsy" skills!
HelenOfTroy's Signature
Interaction Kiriban time (version 9)

more info on my public profile page

Credits to BK47 for the idea of a kiriban!

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
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2 Years ago
Dec 23rd, 2021 - 10:38 PM
Nr. 32 #43082
Granted, now your farts sound like wind instruments!
I wish for better sleep.
Pudding2019's Signature

Oct 11th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2021 - 4:40 PM
Nr. 33 #43089
Granted. You’re now the current sleeping beauty, though you won’t ever wake up again.

I wish for better grades in school
HelenOfTroy's Signature
Interaction Kiriban time (version 9)

more info on my public profile page

Credits to BK47 for the idea of a kiriban!

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
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2 Years ago
Dec 25th, 2021 - 4:14 AM
Nr. 34 #43111
Granted. Your free trial of Better Grades^TM has ended, please pay a small fee of $423890453345-90453890534890453045398 dollars in order to proceed.

I wish that the person below me has a merry Christmas
Pudding2019's Signature

Oct 11th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Dec 25th, 2021 - 9:39 PM
Nr. 35 #43122
The person (me) indeed has a merry Christmas...
...but I disappear the day after Christmas!

I wish that I wouldn't have to help work 9 hours a day, 364 days a year.
HelenOfTroy's Signature
Interaction Kiriban time (version 9)

more info on my public profile page

Credits to BK47 for the idea of a kiriban!

Aug 31st, 2019
Posts: 263
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Pixdex: 70
2 Years ago
Dec 25th, 2021 - 11:09 PM
Nr. 36 #43123
Granted, now you have to help work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

I wish for the evil in the Paw to vanish
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Apr 6th, 2018
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2 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2021 - 1:14 AM
Nr. 37 #43124
Granted, but its ability to grant wishes also vanishes

I wish to know why W.W. Jacobs named his story The Monkey's Paw, considering monkeys don't have paws
BK47's Signature
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Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2021 - 1:58 AM
Nr. 38 #43126
Granted, but you also gain some forbidden knowledge that man was never meant to know.

I wish for something bad to happen
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Apr 6th, 2018
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2 Years ago
Dec 27th, 2021 - 11:46 PM
Nr. 39 #43146
Granted, existence crumbles and only the paw is left

I wish for a fresh green apple
BK47's Signature
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Aug 31st, 2019
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2 Years ago
Dec 28th, 2021 - 1:57 AM
Nr. 40 #43150 1
Granted, but it’s made of plastic

I wish for ???.
Pudding2019's Signature
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