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What’s with all the spambots? (3 Posts and 22 Views)

Aug 31st, 2019
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3 Months ago
Jan 26th, 2024 - 1:50 AM
Nr. 1 #46587
A couple months ago there was a really bad bot issue. It seems like the bots are coming back; on a thread by a user who has long since quit, there have been at least two bots shilling things. What’s up with that? Why are spammers trying to shill their crap on a fairly obscure website?
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3 Months ago
Jan 26th, 2024 - 2:33 AM
Nr. 2 #46588
Hey again @Pudding2019! Those are good questions. Truthfully I don't know why bots would target an obscure site like ours, but I'll say that they sure know how to catch us when moderators aren't around. ๐Ÿ˜… By the way, thank you for your report yesterday -- I've deleted the spam post and removed the bot's posting rights. Player vigilance is always appreciated! โค๏ธ

Regarding the thread that the most recent bot posted in, I wouldn't be surprised if it was attracted to specific wording. "Easy way to make money" is probably a commonly googled thing, and since the purpose of many bots is to advertise "methods" (scams) for making money, their creators probably try to plant them in places where they think the ad will be relevant. Of course the bot couldn't have known that the thread was about in-game currency, not real money, which makes it kind of funny. :P
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Aug 31st, 2019
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3 Months ago
Jan 26th, 2024 - 2:40 AM
Nr. 3 #46589 1
Quote by: @BK47
Hey again @Pudding2019! Those are good questions. Truthfully I don't know why bots would target an obscure site like ours, but I'll say that they sure know how to catch us when moderators aren't around. ๐Ÿ˜… By the way, thank you for your report yesterday -- I've deleted the spam post and removed the bot's posting rights. Player vigilance is always appreciated! โค๏ธ
No problemo! I’ll keep my eyes peeled for shill bots o7
BK’s post cont’d
Regarding the thread that the most recent bot posted in, I wouldn't be surprised if it was attracted to specific wording. "Easy way to make money" is probably a commonly googled thing, and since the purpose of many bots is to advertise "methods" (scams) for making money, their creators probably try to plant them in places where they think the ad will be relevant. Of course the bot couldn't have known that the thread was about in-game currency, not real money, which makes it kind of funny. :P
Makes sense, although I have no idea how they found pxp XD The fact that the last bot’s post implied you could make real money from egg auctions and Roodoku XD
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