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Potion Information and their Effects! (39 Posts and 1424 Views)
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5 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2018 - 3:03 AM
Nr. 1 #1857 27
Here is a more in-depth description of what each potion on the site does! There are now item descriptions, but just a little more in depth description :)

Potions are actually very useful to make! Sure, you can get by without ever making a potion, but you won't always find what you want and you'll probably never evolve anything unless you buy what you need.

First of all, there are two very important rules to potions:
1. All potions except three get a color group determined by the pumpkin/seed/flower used to make them. Potions of a color group can only be used by pets of the same color group. Example: A Magenta pet can not use a Blue potion.
  • You will be assigned starter potions when you sign up for the site that have a neutral color group. You can not make potions with a neutral color group (aside from the (d)evolution potions). All potions you create will have an assigned color group.

  • 2. Grade matters! The grade of a potion determines the potency of it. Lower grade potions will be much less effective. Lower grade Wealth potions will find you less money. Low grade Plant Pot Potions will net you a much less chance of finding what you want and/or need.

    Extra info:
    1. All but three potions take stews, pumpkins, a misc item from the basic ingredient shop (Or a vitamin of sorts), and one of the various types of plants you can grow.
  • All of the recipes can be located on the cook stations page (brewing page)! Scroll to the bottom to find them. Stews are on the refining page! By default the pages are collapsed so you'll have to expand them to see them!

  • 2. A pet can equip up to three different potions on a single hoard! These potions can be equipped onto them before you send them out. You may equip any potion you like, but if you wanna be a bit strategical with your potions, a couple of them may be worth putting together in a single hoard. While you don't have to live by my suggestions, I'll say which ones might be useful putting together when explaining the potions.

    Without further burning your eyes out with too much reading, let's get to the potions!

    Wealth Potion

    Exactly as it sounds. You find a lil' more PC on your hoard! How much PC is calculated by grade/2. At max grade you find 50 coins!

    Pixpet Potion

    Increases your chance of finding Pixpet eggs on hoards. Higher grade potions- I don't know what higher grade for these does actually -w- Someone fill me in cause back when I made this it kept changing.
  • This potion requires 2x the ingredients of a normal potion (Except for the required stew) simply because of how easy this potion makes it to find eggs.

  • Legends are possible with this potion, but it would be worth your while to pair this with a Pixpet Rarity Excluder to furthur your chances.

  • Keep in mind your pet's level when pet hunting! Lower level pets cannot find legendaries unless you use a Level Increaser (and even that won't work unless it increases the right amount of levels.)

  • Decorative item potion

    Increases your chances of finding nifty items to decorate your home with. The higher the grade, the better your chances of it working. Decorations make your pets sLVL go up, which make your pets happy and find even better things!
  • If you would like some of the rarer furniture your pets can find, an Item Rarity Excluder Potion would be a good potion to stack with this potion. You may also need a Level Increase for low level pets since they cannot find the rarer items.

  • To furthur increase your chances of finding decent items, you may also stack this potion with a Mass Range Increaser Potion if the pet you're giving it to doesn't have the WU you'd like for the item you want.

  • Seed Potion

    Sacrifice a pumpkin seed pack to find more seeds! Will you chance it? Of course you will because it's definitely worth it. Higher grade potions find you more seeds and better your chances. A grade 100 potion will find you a total of four different kinds of seeds. Stacks vary depending on rarity of the seed, and grade depends on your pet's level!

    Potion/Evobar ingredient potion

    Similar to the seed potion, only no sacrificing of the seeds. Higher grade potions yield you more ingredients. Stacks vary depending on item rarity, but a grade 100 will get you four different ingredients. Item grade is dependent on your pet's level.
  • Please note that anything labelled with Special Ingredient is not found with this potion. Only ingredients that have a grade (vitamins, liquid gems, etc etc) are found with this potion!

  • To hunt for rare potion ingredients, you may also pair this potion with an Item Rarity Excluder Potion. However please note that low level pets can not find rare items unless there is a Level Increase Potion attached!

  • Special Ingredient Potion

    SPEAKING OF! I was just about to get to that :) This is the potion you want to use if you're hunting for those elusive special ingredients that your pet never ever wants to find no matter how much you scream at the screen. Potion grade works the same as the past two potions as do item stacks.
  • This potion is for ingredients that do not have a grade (vanilla pods, oatmeal, etc etc). Ingredients that have a grade will need to be found with the above potion.

  • If you're hunting for more common ingredients, use these on low level pets. However, most special ingredients are super rare (5%/1% rarity) and only high level pets can find those, so keep this in mind when using this potion! You can combine this with a Level Increase Potion to help your lower level pet find higher level ingredients.

  • Fertilizer Potion

    Self explanatory. Chances work the same as the past three potions.

    Plant Pot Potion

    Pretty self explanatory. Higher grade potions heighten chances of finding a plant pot. Please note that while you have a very high chance with a high grade potion, only grade 100 potions are a 100% guarantee.
  • Please note that pots will not show up as pots in your hoard finds! They will be inside capsules just like any decoration items! Neutral Capsules contain neutral plant pots (Generic, Slim Ceramic, etc etc) and Capsules of your pets color group contain Designer Pots.

  • Designer pots are Rarity 30 and all neutral pots except the Generic pot are rarity 50 (The generic is rarity 80). If you would specifically like to hunt for a Designer pot, then combine your Plant Pot Potion with a Rarity Excluder Potion (I believe as long as you have at least grade 70 you'll be fine.) You may also need a Level Increase if your pet is too low level to find the pot.

  • Experience Increaser

    Increases the amount of experience gained from hoards based on the grade of the potion. The experience gained is dependent on grade, though the exact math is currently unknown.
  • For the best results possible, it is advised to stack this potion with other potions that will yield you a high amount of experience, such as the Pixpet Potion and the Special Ingredient Potion.

  • This potion only works for pets up to level 70!

  • Item Rarity Excluder

    Oh hey it's that potion I've mentioned like four or five times now. Now this potion is only OP at a high grade! It can exclude items down to rarity 33 at grade 100!
  • This potion takes significantly more ingredients than normal potions (Double that of the Pixpet Potion). Therefore, it would be well worth your while to not waste your ingredients making low grade potions!

  • This potion will only work for items! It will not work for pixpet eggs!

  • While it can be used on its own, it is far more worth it to partner this potion with other potions.

  • Pixpet Rarity Excluder

    Similar to the Item Rarity Excluder, but for Pixpet Eggs! This potion will exclude egg rarity finds all the way down to 33 at grade 100!
  • Much like the Item Rarity Excluder, this potion requires significantly more ingredients!

  • This potion will only work for Pixpet eggs! For the best results, partner this with a Pixpet Potion. (Though it can be used on its own, it is HEAVILY advised not to do so.)

  • When using this potion on your pet, keep in mind your pet's level. Certain level pets can only find certain rarity eggs, and the rarity of the eggs they can find only increases as they get higher level. This, however, can be altered with a Level Increase Potion!

  • Level increaser

    Do not be fooled by the name of this potion. It only temporarily increases the level of your Pixpet. The amount of levels this potion gives your pet is grade/2. Level 100 pets will still receive the maximum number of increases from the potion, so this potion makes it possible to temporarily have a pet with a level of 150.
  • This potion can be used on its own, but it's much more useful to combine it with other potions.

  • Pets find different rarity items and eggs based on their level, and the Level Increaser can temporarily raise the chances for item rarity. Here are rarity milestones - Level 0 Pixpets find Items/eggs with 100-70 Rarity. By the time they're level 20, they can find rarity 100-50 items/eggs. At level 70, they can find everything. Keep these milestones in mind (and calculate your level vs rarity math out) when making your Level Increase.

  • Mass Range Extender

    Expands the max WU of your pet. The higher grade of the potion, the furthur its WU gets expanded. The math behind this potion is unknown as is the max WU available from this potion. What's WU? WU is basically how strong your pet is. It cannot find things that it cannot lift. (...Or thinks it's too good to lift...)
  • This item simply expands a pet's max WU. It does not guarantee that your pet will find a decoration item for your home. Therefore, it is highly advised to stack it with a Decorative Item Potion and not to waste it by using it on its own.

  • This potion expands your pet's WU both ways, so it can find decorations both above and below its original max WU with this potion equipped!

  • ----
    Okay now we have three potions left. These three potions CANNOT be used on their own. They are ingredients in Evobars and Reverse Evobars!

    Potion of Evolution

    Basic potion needed for all first stage evolution Evobars. It cannot be used on its own and the grade you should make it for your first evobar can be found on your pet's evolution page. (Grades Vary.) If you find some ingredients are just out of range, you can average them up.
  • Potions of Evolution are needed for Potions of Devolution. You will also need to create a whole Evobar for both Devolution Bars and Evobar 2. All Evolution Information and Devolution Information should be found on your pet's page, so make potions according to the grade displayed.

  • Potion of Devolution

    Basic potion needed for Devolution bars. Cannot be used on its own. Grade required is displayed on your pet's page.

    Potion of Second Evolution

    Needed for Evobar 2 (atm there are only three of those.) Cannot be used by itself. Grade required is on your pet's page.

    AND... That's it.

    If you have any questions, please ping me to get my attention (@VampVixen). I might not always see it if you don't.
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.

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    5 Years ago
    Dec 24th, 2018 - 4:08 AM
    Nr. 2 #1870
    Very helpful. Also valuable information for a potion list, Upvoted, but still confused with the seed potion. What do you mean, "Sacrifice?" Does it do it automatically when you send a pixpet on a hoard with it?
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 24th, 2018 - 6:14 AM
    Nr. 3 #1892

    It's a joke lol. Instead of using a pumpkin flower/full grown pumpkin to make a Seed Potion like most potion, you use a Pumpkin seed package. So I just threw in a joke like your sacrificing one seed pack to make a potion that could potentially net you a multitude of seed packs.
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.

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    5 Years ago
    Dec 24th, 2018 - 6:17 AM
    Nr. 4 #1894
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was going to do one of these once I found out how these potions were properly used, I also felt that this was much needed information. Can I also surgest including how stacking them in a hoard can work.
    Wayvern's Signature

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    5 Years ago
    Dec 24th, 2018 - 3:21 PM
    Nr. 5 #1946
    I can certainly include that! And no problem :)
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.

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    5 Years ago
    Dec 24th, 2018 - 9:42 PM
    Nr. 6 #2017
    Hello there, VampVixen! I just wanted to drop by to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for making this guide! It helped me out a bunch! ^^
    Wifflesnuf's Signature
    vinny - he/maw
    the official ceo of cringe. dragon boy and #1 malewife
    despite being an early adopter, i'm fairly new here!
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 25th, 2018 - 12:18 AM
    Nr. 7 #2057
    You're very welcome! :)
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.


    Sep 27th, 2018
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 25th, 2018 - 12:49 AM
    Nr. 8 #2060
    Oh this is super helpful! Especially the explanation for the rarity excluder, i was cratching my head trying to figure that one out
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 29th, 2018 - 1:54 PM
    Nr. 9 #2824
    Is there no way to tell how many levels a level potion adds? I used one on my pet and it doesn't display the new, temporary level anywhere and the hoarding time matches the normal level. (And yes, the potion color matches my pet)
    Faeryheart's Signature
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 29th, 2018 - 2:22 PM
    Nr. 10 #2829
    Oh this helps a lot. Thanks for posting this!
    Silverfox12578's Signature

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    5 Years ago
    Dec 29th, 2018 - 3:08 PM
    Nr. 11 #2835 1

    I would say divide the potion grade by half. Since it's 50 levels at level 100, I'm only assuming it's Potion grade divided by 2
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.

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    5 Years ago
    Dec 29th, 2018 - 3:15 PM
    Nr. 12 #2837
    I find this post extremely helpful, thanks for writing it!
    cynderplayer's Signature
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 29th, 2018 - 3:16 PM
    Nr. 13 #2838
    You're welcome! (to everyone I haven't replied that to! ^^)
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.

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    5 Years ago
    Dec 29th, 2018 - 9:00 PM
    Nr. 14 #2925
    Quote by: @VampVixen

    I would say divide the potion grade by half. Since it's 50 levels at level 100, I'm only assuming it's Potion grade divided by 2

    That makes sense, thanks :)

    Do you know if there is a negative effect to using multiple potions at once? For example if I use seed potion, fertilizer potion and special ingredient potion, will they find less of each thing because pets have a limit as to how much they can carry? Or does the weight limit only affect decorations?
    Faeryheart's Signature
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 29th, 2018 - 9:23 PM
    Nr. 15 #2929 1
    Quote by: @Faeryheart

    That makes sense, thanks :)

    Do you know if there is a negative effect to using multiple potions at once? For example if I use seed potion, fertilizer potion and special ingredient potion, will they find less of each thing because pets have a limit as to how much they can carry? Or does the weight limit only affect decorations?

    WU only effects what decorations your pet can find, since only decorations have a weight applied to them. I don’t think there is a limit to the amount of items it can find (I believe I remember this being said in the Discord). Therefore there are no negative effects to using multiple potions at once.
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.


    Oct 26th, 2018
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 29th, 2018 - 9:51 PM
    Nr. 16 #2935
    Thank you for this thread. Makes a lot more sense now.
    LuckyBonsaiTree's Signature
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    5 Years ago
    Jan 5th, 2019 - 2:25 AM
    Nr. 17 #4108
    Topic has been updated with the newest update to Wealth Potions :)

    Hopefully I can learn the math to Exp and Mass potions soon X3
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.

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    5 Years ago
    Jan 18th, 2019 - 3:09 AM
    Nr. 18 #6111
    Neatened up the guide. It looked messy (I wasn't aware the bullet code existed when I'd made it). Fixed up some of the information and links.
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.


    Jan 10th, 2019
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    5 Years ago
    Jan 18th, 2019 - 3:19 AM
    Nr. 19 #6113
    O.O Maybe I should make some Rarity Excluder potions after all... I thought they weren't very good! Time to brew a ton and try and net me a legendary :D
    ObsidianMage's Signature

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    Jan 12th, 2019
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    5 Years ago
    Jan 18th, 2019 - 3:52 AM
    Nr. 20 #6114
    Thank you so much for this guide!
    It really clears up a lot of uncertainty I had surrounding potions. I should probably start actively brewing them now.
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