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Getting started on Pixpets! (19 Posts and 1763 Views)
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Jan 13th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 31st, 2018 - 5:26 AM
Nr. 1 #3223 20
Alright so here's a basic newbie guide!

So you've just joined Pixpets. You've picked your starter pet and placed it in your home. So... now what? Wander around blindly? Stare blankly into the screen and hope something happens?

Well first off read the tutorial if you haven't already done so. It'll give you some basic info on how the site works and give you a nifty badge.

You may also refer to PlagueDG's Pixpet Guide for Newcomers for many answers to your questions!

So one of the first things I suggest doing is checking out your inventory. You will have been given some nifty things I'll be going over individually. The items you'll have been given are -

Pumpkin seeds of a random color - Multiple packs - random grade
Plant seeds - Randomized which one you get
Generic Plant Pot
White Wall
Ordinary Window
Game Rules Poster
Wooden Floor
Normal Grass
Plant Growth Fertilizer
Pumpkin Growth Fertilizer
Pixpet Potion - Neutral - Grade 85
Decorative Item Potions (3) - Neutral - Grade 100
Special Ingredient Potion - Neutral - Grade 100
Fertilizer Potion - Neutral - Grade 100
Seed Potion - Neutral - Grade 100
Plant Pot Potion - Neutral - Grade 100
Instant Cook Super Potion
Hatch Super Potion
Hoard Return Super Potion
Instant Recover Super Potion

First, let's take a look at those pumpkin seeds and pumpkin fertilizer

You're given multiple packs of pumpkin seeds of a random color. And there's a fresh patch of soil in your backyard, just calling for a pack of seeds to be planted.

However, patience. Don't plant them just yet! Look up to where it says 'Cultivation' and from there find 'Combine.' Here, you can combine any same type/same color Plant and Pumpkin seeds! Seeds cannot surpass Grade 100, but don't be afraid to combine two seeds above grade 50. The combiner will simply give you the grade 100 seed packet and the leftover grade :)

(By the way, don't panic if you did plant low grade seeds. You'll still get food from them all this is just a suggestion for more food output)

Remember to water your pumpkins! They can only go a max of 12 hours before they begin to lose grade. Lower grade pumpkins give you less food (or, if making potions, lower the grade of your potion.) You can use Pumpkin Watering Fertilizer to give you a bit of a bigger time-frame. Don't worry if you accidentally click that water button like 5 times due to lag. You can't over-water your Pumpkins. Check your main game page to make sure your pumpkins are watered.

Pumpkins take 17.55 hours to become fully grown, and 3.35 hours between each stage.
There are three stages, any of which you can choose to harvest them. These are Blooming Flower, Sprouting Pumpkin, and Grown Pumpkin

The Growth Fertilizer you're given is one of the many fertilizers able to be found on hoards. All Pumpkin Fertilizers are:
Pumpkin Growth Fertilizer
Pumpkin Slow Growth Fertilizer
Pumpkin Watering Fertilizer
Pumpkin Grade Fertilizer
Pumpkin Fruit Increase Fertilizer
Pumpkin Max Fruit Fertilizer

These fertilizers do not have stacking effects and must be used before you plant your pumpkin.

Now, let's take a look at the decoration items and talk about slvl.

Generic Plant Pot
White Wall
Ordinary Window
Game Rules Poster
Wooden Floor
Normal Grass

You'll want to place these. You won't be able to place the window and the poster, so pick whichever one you like. (I'll talk more about the pot later.)

You'll get more decorations as time goes on. Decorations are gotten through sending your pets on hoards (or the plushies can be gotten with tickets). Each decoration has a certain weight and a pet cannot find something too heavy for it (or too light. Don't ask questions just go with it. Decorations will help raise your pet's slvl, or Satisfaction Level. This basically means they make your pet happier. Happy pets find more stuff :3

Decorations are not the only way to raise slvl. People interacting with your pet will also raise it, and you can get a max of 30 slvl from interactions. Sometimes pets coming back from a hoard will lower it, and going 24 hours without any interactions will also lower it.

Having a max slvl is impossible in the starter hut. Not only that, but a pet's slvl can not surpass its level. For example a level 0 pet with a slvl of 30, actually has a slvl of 0. This keeps low level pets from being too OP too early in the game.

There is a guide by Mrinja in the works of all these items (and all other game items!)


Next, let's talk about plant pots, and plants in general.

The game starts you off with a Generic Plant Pot, which you want to place. But what should you plant? Should you go ahead and impulsively plant the seed the game started you off with?

The answer is do your research!

Some plants take longer than others. If the game started you out with a seed such as a Lucid Evolvulus Seed, you do not want to plant it, as its only use is a Potion of Second Evolution and it takes two weeks to grow. You want to plant seeds that will benefit you in the long run. I'll link potion guides when I explain them.

Now, each home only holds a limited number of plant pots, and your starter home can hold a max of two plant pots. Plant wisely, thinking about what's going to help you better early-game. You can ask other players for tips if you're unsure (or look up what plant is used in what potion/evobar.)

Each plant takes a different amount of time to grow. Slower growing plants usually have a higher yield. Be sure to water your plants! Just like varying growth intervals, each plant has its own watering intervals, which can be altered with Plant Watering Fertilizer. Check your main game page to see your Plant's watering interval and to be sure they're watered. Plants, like pumpkins, cannot be over-watered! You can find plant seeds through hoards, or through interacting with people's pets.

Just like Pumpkins, there are varying Plant Fertilizers:
Plant Slow Growth Fertilizer
Plant Growth Fertilizer
Plant Watering Fertilizer
Plant Double Harvest Fertilizer
Plant Grade Fertilizer
Plant Quadruple Harvest Fertilizer

Fertilizer effects again do not stack, and your pot must be fertilized before you plant your seed.


Alright, I've got all these potions! Should I use them all at once? Should I wait?

The answer is... it's completely up to you!

Each potion has its own effect, found here! (The two potion making guides are linked in this thread. I'm not trying to get it views I'm just too lazy to make more links)

Some potions, it is advised to save, namely the Special Ingredient Potion, Potion/Evobar Ingredient Potion, Seed Potion, and Pixpet Potion

You CAN use the Decorative Item Potions and Plant Pot Potions right away. However keep this in mind when using potions:
  • Rarity of pets and items your pet is able to find depends on their LEVEL! Low level pets can find rare items, but the chances are very low. You are, however, always guaranteed to find at least something on your hoards! The only way this can be altered is with a Level Increase Potion which only lasts for a single hoard. This means if you use your Decorative Item Potions, Plant Pot Potions, and Pixpet Potions right away, you are likely to find common decorations, a Generic Plant Pot, and common pet eggs.

  • With the special ingredient potion, MOST of the special ingredients are super rare (and you need a high level pet if you want to have an easier time finding them). There are five exceptions. Oatmeal, Green Mushrooms, and Vanilla Pods (Regular Evobar Ingredients), White Dragon Scales (Variant B Evobar for turning a Noo-Long Albino), and Black Mushrooms (for Color Swap Evobar). If you're aiming for any of these items, go ahead and use the potion.

  • With the Seed and Potion/Evobar Ingredient Potion, you can use these immediately but your pets are very likely to bring back low grade ingredients and seeds as the grade of items your pet finds is dependent on their level, so it would be better just to save them until your pet is higher level.

  • Pixpet Color Compendium (Spoilers for all pets.)

    Now this is very important! These are powerful potions, and normal hoards will never yield the same results that you will get with potions! HOWEVER! Keep your pet's slvl up with decorations and interactions, and your pet should find at least something most of the time! Potions are NOT EVERYTHING!!! You can still find eggs, seeds, basically anything you can find with a potion, you can find without one. It's just a little bit more up to rng and keeping that slvl up.

    Also: These potions you have been given are of a NEUTRAL color group so they're special. Potions you make will have a color group unless they are (d)evolution potions! I cannot stress this enough! You cannot make a neutral potion!!


    Wait, what about these other potions? These... super potions?

    Those super duper potions are potions that are bought with Super Pixcoins! You should have been given a whole 10 of them upon registration. Spend wisely. You can buy more SPC with either PC or tickets.

    They do exactly as described. You can save them or choose to use them up. I'd do the first for most of them, but use them as you see fit.


    Alright. I've spiffed up my home. I've planted my seeds. I've messed with my potions. I've read all of this stuff. NOW WHAT?!

    Now what indeed.


    Well it's kind of go where you want from here. I gave you the basic explanation on what to do with what you're given so you aren't completely running around like a chicken with its head cut off :X

    If your pet is hatched, send it on a hoard. If it isn't hatched, either wait for it to hatch or impulsively use your hatch potion. Maybe headover to the Arcade section and play the Sunobra Chase minigame while you're waiting! You can easily access this by clicking the little hexagon token where all your currency is listed that say PAT on them.

    Find the potions you wanna make, find out what evolutions and pets you do or don't want, poke around the site, post on the forums, impulsively spend all your PC on things you don't need and then wonder where all your PC went, HOARD EVERYTHING, join the discord!


    Any questions, ping me or I may not see it (@VampVixen)
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.


    Dec 24th, 2018
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 31st, 2018 - 5:32 AM
    Nr. 2 #3225 1
    This should be required reading.
    Chicken_Raptor's Signature
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 31st, 2018 - 5:44 AM
    Nr. 3 #3226
    I read through it and this is fantastic Vamp!
    BK47's Signature
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 31st, 2018 - 5:46 AM
    Nr. 4 #3227
    Thanks guys! ^^
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.


    Dec 30th, 2018
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 31st, 2018 - 9:13 AM
    Nr. 5 #3250
    This is a great guide -- so very helpful. Thank you!

    Dec 26th, 2018
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 31st, 2018 - 2:55 PM
    Nr. 6 #3299
    Definitely helpful! Makes newbies lives much easier now!

    Dec 26th, 2018
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 31st, 2018 - 3:18 PM
    Nr. 7 #3300
    Fantastic guide! Wish you had this up when I had started (lol)
    Kyrie's Signature

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    5 Years ago
    Dec 31st, 2018 - 4:36 PM
    Nr. 8 #3314
    Sorry I didn't think to make this much earlier than this ^^' Thanks for the positive responses!
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.


    Dec 15th, 2018
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 31st, 2018 - 5:07 PM
    Nr. 9 #3317
    I would like to emphasize join the Discord!

    I've made a lot of money from selling things thanks to Discord, plus it's fun!
    Umaro's Signature
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    5 Years ago
    Dec 31st, 2018 - 5:22 PM
    Nr. 10 #3323
    Not everyone feels comfortable in the Discord (tis' a social thing). That was just a list of (joking and non-joking) suggestions of what to do. X3
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.


    Feb 23rd, 2019
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    5 Years ago
    Feb 23rd, 2019 - 8:48 PM
    Nr. 11 #10747
    this is so helpful! thank you for writing this.
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    5 Years ago
    Feb 23rd, 2019 - 9:08 PM
    Nr. 12 #10749
    You’re welcome ^^
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.

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    5 Years ago
    Apr 4th, 2019 - 6:32 AM
    Nr. 13 #15759
    Just thought I should give an update of a revamp to this topic! Sections of this topic have been updated due to changes (namely the potions section and the decorations section.)

    If anything in this topic feels inaccurate, feel free to let me know and I'll be happy to edit.
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.

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    4 Years ago
    Aug 13th, 2019 - 3:18 AM
    Nr. 14 #26413 1
    Thanks to BK47 for helping me figure out what was and wasn't out of date I was able to update this! Thanks a plenty!!

    If anything seems off to anyone lemme know
    VampVixen's Signature

    When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma's got us all beat.


    Sep 4th, 2021
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    2 Years ago
    Sep 4th, 2021 - 9:21 PM
    Nr. 15 #40784
    This is cool and all, and great info but... I'm not really sure what's with this obsession lately on petsites where you send a pet out on some long quest hunt while you have to sit back and struggle with what to do. Can we do anything with our pet if we don't feel like sending them on a hoard run?? Is the game the only thing we can play while we wait?
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    2 Years ago
    Sep 4th, 2021 - 9:22 PM
    Nr. 16 #40785
    Quote by: @Rattlecat
    This is cool and all, and great info but... I'm not really sure what's with this obsession lately on petsites where you send a pet out on some long quest hunt while you have to sit back and struggle with what to do. Can we do anything with our pet if we don't feel like sending them on a hoard run?? Is the game the only thing we can play while we wait?

    for now yes, but in the near future, Pixpet Adventure is going to solve that problem

    Sep 4th, 2021
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    2 Years ago
    Sep 4th, 2021 - 9:33 PM
    Nr. 17 #40789
    Oh thank god, thank you so much. I've been to a couple other petsites this week and despite being years old, it seems all we can do is mostly let pets do the work while we have nothing to do x.x

    I'm definitely excited for the Adventure feature. The artwork on here is phenomenal and I definitely have some pets I want to aim for, so that'll keep me going til we get there!

    Feb 11th, 2024
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    5 Months ago
    Feb 11th, 2024 - 6:12 AM
    Nr. 18 #46630
    i dont know what happened, but after the tutorial i ended up with...nothing. like all the progress that happened during the tutorial never happened. i looked up this guide to see what SHOULD have happened. is this a common issue or am i super unlucky?
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    5 Months ago
    Feb 12th, 2024 - 2:58 AM
    Nr. 19 #46631 1
    Quote by: @Lucarleigho
    i dont know what happened, but after the tutorial i ended up with...nothing. like all the progress that happened during the tutorial never happened. i looked up this guide to see what SHOULD have happened. is this a common issue or am i super unlucky?

    Hey! Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the on-site tutorial is a separate entity to the actual game, thus the progress you make in it doesn't actually happen and rather exists just to show you how things work.

    However, if you didn't receive any of the starter items or currency, be sure to let us know
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