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Slow Growth Fertilizer? (7 Posts and 133 Views) (Closed)
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5 Years ago
Feb 1st, 2019 - 4:40 AM
Nr. 1 #7874
Do any of you use slow growth plant or pumpkin fertilizer?

From what I gather, it won't extend your watering time, but makes your harvest take longer to grow. I don't understand why this would be helpful at all? xD;

If you have a current use or idea, please let me know!

(PS- If you currently use these- I'll give you all of my slow growth fertilizers, if you want them! *first come first served, forum post only*) I was about to delete them but thought I'd ask and see if anybody else had caught onto something I hadn't n_n
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5 Years ago
Feb 1st, 2019 - 4:44 AM
Nr. 2 #7875

The slow growth fertilizer makes it easier to catch pumpkins at a certain stage, for people who don't log in often.

As for plants, your guess is as good as mine xD
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5 Years ago
Feb 1st, 2019 - 4:53 AM
Nr. 3 #7876 1

Pretty much what BK47 said - however slow growth for plant does have some use even if its very hard to make useful.

If you're on vacation or have to go some other place, but you still want your plant to grow up to a certain stage without withering you can use a slow growth. The reason why is because withering needs another stage to happen so if you used one on a Dragonfruit from Planted-Ripe you could have a vacation for 2 weeks and get it ripe when you come back. However, without it, it would only last for 11 days. So there's that. Even then, you'll probably have a low grade dragonfruit to come back for if you need it for a certain rarity excluder?
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5 Years ago
Feb 1st, 2019 - 8:30 AM
Nr. 4 #7887
Ive never been able to make use of the slow growth plant fertilizers, but the pumpkin ones can be a godsend if you are a bit of a sleepy-head like me and you need to catch some flowers or sprouting pumpkins
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5 Years ago
Feb 1st, 2019 - 1:13 PM
Nr. 5 #7898
After reading this thread the slow growth fertilizers makes more sense, at least for pumpkins. I personally don't find them useful tho.
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5 Years ago
Feb 2nd, 2019 - 10:03 PM
Nr. 6 #8010
Thanks so much for the answers, everyone!! n_n/

I can definitely understand how the pumpkin ones could be helpful at least. Those plant ones though! I suppose what Mrinja suggested is a use- but I personally wouldn't bother using any plant products for my own potions if they're under gr90.. I'd be far more lilely to write off inactive time rather than look forward to low grade fruit!
The mystery lives on.
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Jan 12th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Apr 11th, 2019 - 8:00 AM
Nr. 7 #16586

Soooo, I actually keep mine, and use them sparingly, but if you are deleting yours, could I snag them? To be fair, sometimes I try to sell extras, but if you are flat out getting rid of yours, I would like them! (If you haven't already ditched them, it has been a while since you first posted that...)
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