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Trad Artwork Price Help? (3 Posts and 25 Views)
Topic Tags: Pricing help, art, traditional

Sep 19th, 2018
Posts: 4
Pixpets: 2
Pixdex: 5
5 Years ago
Mar 3rd, 2019 - 12:52 AM
Nr. 1 #11765

Hey, y'all! I'm Starbending, and I do traditional work p much exclusively, cause it is what I can carry around with me to work on!
So here we have two Copic-colored images of my fursona, a pen image of.... Idk some girl I felt like drawing? And a pencil sketch of a Borzoi lounging around.
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in getting the above styles of work? Feral and anthro are by far the easiest things for me to do - so I prefer that at any level of finish.
Beyond interest gauging, I was also hoping to price check! What kind of moolah would y'all be willing to pay for stuff like this? Scanned instead of phone pics - I am currently recovering from surgery so I didn't take the time to properly scan these.
Thank you for looking, and for the help!

Feb 21st, 2019
Posts: 153
Pixpets: 124
Pixdex: 41
5 Years ago
Mar 3rd, 2019 - 1:51 AM
Nr. 2 #11770
I like the Copic headshot of your fursona—it's pretty strong work. The canine or vulpine laying down is also a really nice drawing.

I have no experience selling and almost no experience buying art online, sorry. If I start art trades, I do like the Copic headshot's style.

Sep 19th, 2018
Posts: 4
Pixpets: 2
Pixdex: 5
5 Years ago
Mar 3rd, 2019 - 2:03 AM
Nr. 3 #11773 1
Quote by: @Psidra
I like the Copic headshot of your fursona—it's pretty strong work. The canine or vulpine laying down is also a really nice drawing.

I have no experience selling and almost no experience buying art online, sorry. If I start art trades, I do like the Copic headshot's style.

That headshot was probably the most fun one to do - I needed an avatar of my sona. I'm thinking I'll open stuff like that for what I see is around average on here - and if folks want to haggle I'd be up for it. Thank you so much!
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