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Feb 11th, 2019
Posts: 51
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3 Months ago
May 31st, 2024 - 6:17 PM
Nr. 3 #46769
Can confirm this is happening, have tested with the following items (using the inventory):
Black Couch: Downward-facing, can't place pixpets or items
Striped Couch: Down, can place pixpets and items
Gothic Couch: Down, can place pixpets and items
Beige Velvet Sofa: Down, can place pixpets and items
Cyan Couch: Down, can't place pixpets or items
Aqua Couch: Down, can't place pixpets or items

Looks like it might just be the Standard Couch (and Standard Couch-based couches) that are affected. Housing decorator works as intended; can place pixpets/items on a down-facing SCouch, can't on a side/up-facing one (also can't click and rotate the couches worth a darn, but that might just be my internet).

PC Info: Win 10, Firefox 126.0.1
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