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Dec 1st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 22nd, 2018 - 1:24 PM
Nr. 1 #1486 2
Bomb That Egg Countdown

Forum games can be fun and help give us players something to do when we are not tending to our pixpet needs and learning the workings of the pixpet game.

This game is simple, it pits members against Moderator/Admin in a fun and interactive way.

This is a simple count down game. A member starts the countdown by posting the starting number and a picture of an egg that they wish to blow up, and then another member posts the next number down and so on until we get to zero and BOOM! that egg gets splattered all over the place. You can post “boom!” to win the round, or if you want to spice it up a bit you can also add a picture to your post. Moderators/Admin can stop the countdown and reset it to try and save that egg simply by posting.

After each round is won the game is restarted and we get to try and blow up the next egg.

As Pixpet’s has just officially opened, and therefore active members aren’t too high, to start the countdown we will use the low number of ……. 20. I might need to change this depending on how popular this game becomes, and how well the moderators/Admin are able to keep up. We need to have some challenge after all, but not make it impossible for either sides.

Total eggs blown up:
5 (p13)

Please remember to follow forum rules at all times.

To get this game started:

πŸ₯š 20
Wayvern's Signature

Last edited by Wayvern, Jan 12th, 2019 - 10:14 PM
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