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Dec 27th, 2018
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4 Years ago
May 1st, 2019 - 8:16 PM
Nr. 1 #18503 4
One of my favorite forms of written art in this world is when big meaning is put into the smallest of sentences. The little things that might seem obscure can indeed in reality be the biggest things to others, and when we dive in and look through the meanings of these smaller things, we can understand ourselves better and learn to see through different perspectives in life.

My favorite quote has to probably, among many others, the following...

"Sometimes, the people with the biggest smiles are the ones struggling the most... so be kind."

It's the phrases that make us think on a deeper level that are the most artistic and powerful. Reaching this level of thought is something I enjoy doing quite often, and I hope that by thinking of what words you like the most can help you enjoy it too.
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