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4 Years ago
May 17th, 2019 - 8:36 PM
Nr. 1 #19954 5

May's Event

A Wilted Plea by Chicken_Raptor

You arrive at Wayvern’s Den. It seems she’s done some slight redecorating recently. The statue in the garden is a fine example of that, as are some half-assembled banners and other assorted celebration goodies. That’s right, you recall, the Flower Festival is scheduled for later in the month, and a larger crowd than ever before is expected to attend. Even you have received an invitation—but you aren’t here to sightsee, you remind yourself as a recently arrived pair of Petkeepers hurries past you into the garden.

You quickly follow them through the gate. A congregation of what must be hundreds has filled much of the space, and looking over their heads, you can see even more milling around in the renovated farmhouse beyond. Even Wayvern’s treasured Hoard has been opened to allow for more space, although you can see the dragoness is nervously watching every movement from the doorway.

Catching bits and pieces of various conversations confirms that many saw the same vision as you: a large, odd-looking Noo-long with a plea for help. Some apparently were even awake when it happened. It seems everyone—not just in your city, but all the land around—saw this, and almost as many have answered.

Just as you are making to ask your own questions, a bright light once again floods your sight. Instantly, gasps arose from the congregated people as the creature from your dream swirls into existence. This time, however, the light fades almost entirely, giving you a much better look at the creature.

It is indeed a Noo-long… mostly. Red and white, serpentine, floating, the dragon moves with the grace you have come to expect from the noble pets… but there is a glaring exception. Instead of scales, the dragon is made of flower petals! The petals slide over each other in waves, flowing in a nonexistent wind as though they wait in a springtime meadow. It’s truly unlike anything you’ve seen before.

“Thank you for coming,” the dragon speaks. Just as in your dream, its voice is feminine, soft—but tinged with a distinct edge of panic. “I am sorry to have asked so much of you in so little time, but my avenues of delay are disappearing. I need your help.”

Another flash of light nearly blinds you. Blinking away the spots, you turn to see that twelve familiar-looking eggs have appeared around the statue. However, these eggs seem… off. Dull. Reaching out to one, you notice it is cold.

“As you may tell,” Laurel continues, “these eggs are not hatching as they should. I have done all I can to keep them safe, to foster them in good health, but…” She sighs. “My powers are of flora, not fauna. I can keep them from fading entirely but cannot nurture them. Will you help me save them?”

A whisper rustles through the crowd as the situation is debated. Can the eggs be saved? Should we even try? Look at how lifeless they are, perhaps they are already—

“We’ll help you, Laurel!” You turn to see a small, odd-looking… was the a Velibolt? Its coloring was… strange. Almost like a chicken. Either way, it stands upon a couch, face set in determination. “We’ve never faced a situation as tough as this, but we’re code crackers through and through. We’ll save these eggs in no time at all! Right team?”

A few people voice their approval, then a few more, then most of the rest join in. Laurel is overjoyed. She says something you can’t quite hear—you think it’s something about having to return—and disappears.

There’s no time to waste. Immediately, the people in the Den start to organize. Papers are pulled, groups are formed, and the egg-code formulas from the previous adventures are copied and distributed. The time has come once again, to crack the egg code.

Welcome to the May Crack the Egg Code site event! To enter, simply follow the link below and fill out the form with your answers! The event takes place in two rounds: first, select what colors you believe the eggs will hatch to be. Second, select what gender you believe the eggs will hatch to be! Correct answers will earn you points, and the members with the most points will be entered into the final round to win all kinds of prizes. One lucky member will earn this event's egg prize and the coveted Crack the Egg Code badge!

Entry Form

Members have 1 week to submit! The cutoff is Saturday, May 25th at 2 PM GMT!

The entry form is now closed and the eggs have been placed in the Pixpetevent2 home

Good Luck Everyone!

A Wilted Plea by Chicken_Raptor cont.

With the fading sunset behind you, the lights in the yard and house flicked on set by set. You sigh, looking over your notes and hoping beyond hope they hold the key to unlocking these eggs.


A hush falls over the working crowd as you turn to see Dimitri and Wayvern standing on a couch — that is, Wayvern is standing on the couch, with the much smaller form of Dimitri standing on her. The diminutive Velibolt/raptor (you still aren’t sure which) was much rowdier than you had first assumed, loud and strong-willed, so much sometimes he had to be grounded by the much calmer dragoness he stood upon. Still, nobody can claim he isn’t invested in the well-being of the eggs.

“As you might know, tomorrow is the day of Laurel’s return,” Wayvern said. “We’ve been hard at work for almost a week now, and I’m confident you have all done wonderful work in that time.” She points to the eggs. “These pets are relying on us to bring them into the world. I know we have the power to achieve that goal, because we’ve done it before.”

“No sweat, we’ve got this!” Dimitri pipes in, a slightly smug grin on his muzzle.

You hope that he’s right. This cannot fail — Or the eggs will be lost forever.

Wayvern's Signature

Last edited by Wayvern, May 26th, 2019 - 4:56 PM
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