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Sep 18th, 2018
Posts: 115
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Pixdex: 64
4 Years ago
Dec 15th, 2019 - 3:46 PM
Nr. 1 #33034
Description of the Bug:
There seems to be a bug with the badge count being increased by 1 on some players (possibly related to the 100% pixdex badge and the depleted badge, not sure) this bug does not affect all users, as I counted mine and I have 51 badges, and my badge total is shown to be 51. I've seen a number of people who are listed as having 1 more badge than they actually do (I don't mean to narc, but I was competing with a friend and we'd be tied if it weren't for this bug giving them an extra badge)

I counted the actual badges on those affected (it matches the Badge Collection table),but the number listed by the user's name and on the badge ranking page is 1 higher than that total. I've spoken to a few others, and Isegard and Wanderer said their badge totals are 1 higher than the number of badges they actually have. I'm sure it applies to many more users as well.

Steps to reproduce:
Look at any of the affected users and count the badges. Their total amount listed will be 1 higher than the actual number of badges.

What should have happened?
The total badge count shown on the user's page, badge screen, and badge ranking, should reflect their actual total of badges (Badge Collection table is the only correct tabulation)

What did happen?
The rankings have some users who have 1 higher than they actually have

My System:
PC, Win7, Chrome, though it's site data not just my own experience of the site.
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