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Jun 30th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Jan 6th, 2020 - 5:54 AM
Nr. 183 #33460
Haha, it's ok, those happens, and it's better to answer late than ever. x'D
I noticed the pixel human you did, even if it was after I wrote my reply (I was trying to find it in the main post). I think it's alright, and I could dig up some animal-characters if I was ever about to get a pixel from you to make it more comfortable.! But when it comes to those i'd rather keep it "private" without showing it off in this thread (I'm willing to pay extra for that, too). It's because I'm not comfortable sharing these chars yet,, but it'd be nice to get some art of them too ;;
So, thank you for replying.! I'm still interested in the pixels once you open them, though, because you are really doing an amazing job with them all~ Keep it up.!
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