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Apr 6th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2020 - 5:17 AM
Nr. 20 #35246

I'm not really in disagreement with you on the starting bid thing, I'm just unsure what to tell you because at the moment a forced minimum starting bid wouldn't be received well. And at the same time I can understand why people prefer to have pricing freedom, especially for eggs. It's not that new players wouldn't be able to afford eggs or other items at sellback prices. The logic of charitable players who underprice eggs seems to be simply that they don't want to profit from what they consider to be a giveaway, so having a forced price would feel like tying their hands. And there's no other way to gift eggs, which I'll explain why in a moment. Like I said, you have great points, and it's not like the community will never change their mind. We've seen it happen a lot where the current playerbase wants something one way, and then after an influx of new players over a few months, the popular opinion on a particular subject does a complete 180. It's partially the reason that the hoard system has changed so much in the past year.

Regarding private trading/selling/gifting for eggs, the reason we don't have it is because it would make the task of completing the Pixdex too easy for a new player, and as a result eggs would become almost worthless. There's also the possibility of multiaccounters taking advantage of such a feature. Komodo has rejected the idea himself on more than one occasion. Of course, some players including myself have suggested that applying heavy restrictions to egg gifting would reduce both of those problems, but I still don't know what Komodo's verdict on that is. I only know that most of us want egg gifting, lol.

Thanks for explaining scripts a little more to me. It's an interesting subject considering that people want an auto-bidding feature. At first I wasn't sure what you meant when you said that the minimum bid increase has killed the incentive to bid war with people on eggs, but now I think I understand that you mean it's hurting people who are trying to profit from underpriced eggs and items, and benefiting others who might be using a script to find and claim those auctions quickly. And going back to PC inflation, at this point I'm a bit hesitant to talk about it further because Pixpet Adventure is casting uncertainty on it, at least for me. Implementing forced minimum starting bids would certainly stop the underpriced egg/item profiteering, but I think it would need to be introduced simultaneously with some form of egg gifting in order to make everyone happy. But again, Pixpet Adventure could somehow make all of that unnecessary. Maybe random events that happen to your adventuring pet could make you lose a boatload of money, and then all the egg profiteering you did throughout the day was for nothing. But if it changes nothing, then we have things to talk about with Komodo :P
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