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Mar 8th, 2019
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3 Years ago
May 27th, 2020 - 2:45 AM
Nr. 1 #36543 2
Hello! I had this idea for a while. I'm not a very active forum user, and find that organizing giveaways can be very time-consuming and take a lot of focus away from things IRL I'd rather be doing, but I still love making giveaways and wish I could just give away a lot of the items I have in my inventory without having to go through user comments on forum threads or making extensive spreadsheets that need to be maintained with care.

It'd be great if there was a way for us to just send an item straight from our inventory into a "Giveaway" catalog on, for example, our user profile, or into a specific section on-site, where other users can pick those items up if they want.

The way I imagine it is like this.
There's a giveaway catalog on each user's profile, it can be empty if there's nothing in it. We can put items from our inventory into this catalog.

There may be a way to browse user giveaway catalogs like we can currently browse usershop items.

The difference between these catalogs and setting up usershop items for 0 pc is that when sending items into the giveaway catalog we can set who is eligible to obtain them, to somehow limit snipers from hunting all the free items away, to somehow, more or less, control to whom our items will go to. We can set sort of filters of who can or cannot take said item.

Possible filter ideas:
- only users who registered wihin the last 2 months / 1 month / 1 week / etc can take this item.
- only users who have less than 2, 5, etc pixpets can unlock this item.
- only users who have less than 2, 5, 10, etc pixpets discovered in their pixdex can unlock.
- only users who discovered 20 cooking recipes can unlock.
- who sent their pets on a total of 20, 30, etc hoards can unlock.
- who earned a total of 1000, 2000, 5000, etc PC can unlock.
- who have supported the site as patrons for 1, 2 etc months can unlock.
- who have a consecutive login chain of 7, 14, 30, etc days
- who reside in a certain type of house
- who hasn't got a single copy of said item in their inventory or house.
and more

If a user is ineligible to take an item from the giveaway because they don't fit a criteria such as "registered no earlier than x time ago", they won't see that item show up at all, because there is no way they can reach that criteria anymore. However it will show up for someone else who does fit that criteria.
Other items locked behind criterias that are reachable, will show up to anyone who isn't eligible yet, because they still have the chance to work towards fitting that criteria, and may want to give it a try. See it as like user-set quests? And the reward is the item locked behind the "objectives".

You may put up both singular items into your giveaway, as well as item stacks of <=99 units per stack.

There may also be a way to set a rule for your catalog of how many item stacks a single user is able to take. You may make it unlimited, so any user can take all the item stacks so long as they fit the criteria you set, or across your whole giveaway they may, for example, be able to take only 1 stack per day, or 3 stacks per day, or 1 stack / week, etc. (Stack here being anywhere between 1 and 99 units in quantity. So 1 stack of 99 units is still 1 stack)

By browsing user profiles you can click on the giveaway catalog and see the full list of items currently up for grabs, and of you fit some, you can just take them. No strings attached, completely free.

If there was a global giveaway search, it'd probably list user giveaways instead of specific items, but you may be able to filter for any item you want. Set up a search or a filter and it'll show only those giveaways in the list which have the item you're interested in.

I would honestly welcome any other alternative suggestions for setting up giveaways without the need to do it via the forums. It still won't be as flexible as the forums in setting up giveaways, but it'd help those like me who are too lazy to work with the forums to bring the items I have in my inventory which I don't need into the inventories of people who do want them.

Any thoughts? Is this detrimental to the site's growth? Or just redundant? How may an idea of automated item giveaways be improved so it'd help the site's growth more than hinder it? Or maybe it just can't work no matter what?
Last edited by TailedThief, Sep 17th, 2020 - 10:43 PM
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