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Dec 5th, 2017
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3 Years ago
Nov 1st, 2020 - 9:09 PM
Nr. 1 #37880 15
54-A Draook Released!

During halloween, something spooky happened on Pixpet. A new Pixpet named Draook appeared with a high chance on hoards! This is the first spirit Pixpet to see the light of the day (or shall I rather say moonlight?). Draooks live within the deep woods of the Pixpet realm, but they are very shy! Only during the witching time they are courageous enough to reveal themselves to other Pixpets.

This means that the rarity of Draook will decrease until in two weeks from now when our halloween event ends. Then it will not be possible to find it anymore until next year! So be sure to send out your Pixpets!

Draook now holds the record for the lowest lifting capacity so far (4) and is with 6kg as light as Troffinch. Since they are levitating, only the weight of their helmet adds to their total weight.

Happy Draook Hoarding!
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