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Sep 26th, 2018
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2 Years ago
Aug 31st, 2021 - 12:53 PM
Nr. 24 #40750 1
Quote by: @GeistStorm
Quote by: @BK47
Quote by: @GeistStorm
i'm new here, so please excuse my ignorance on some stuff... but what do you things will be "reset"?
i don't want to start a panic or go Into a panic, but does that mean everybody will be set back to like 0 or something?? like will people lose everything worked for or what does it mean exactly??

p.s. loving the Monster Rancher vibe from the picture!

Hey there GeistStorm, that's a fair question. What Komodo means is that only players who are participating in the closed beta will have their progress reset (specifically in Pixpet Adventure) when beta is over.

You don't have to worry about any of your own game progress being reset!

oh, Phew! because i'm still getting to know my critters and would have hated to lose them or something terrible like that.
i still feel a bit sad for the beta testers though, of course. i hope the reset doesn't mean everything will be reset, just things to do with the new features. they've been here longer than me so i imagine they've grown to love their critters even more because of it.

Yup, no worries at all. Your pets are and will be completely safe.
Progress is related to Pixpet Adventure which can be seen as a side game/extended feature. Entirely different system from the current web version with hoards and what not. The only thing the beta testers will have reset is their adventure levels so that everyone will be on the same playing field when we hit launch as items and such can be transferred between the game and the main site. Wouldn't be fair to all for them to be far ahead.
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