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Dec 5th, 2017
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2 Years ago
Sep 8th, 2021 - 12:51 PM
Nr. 25 #40841 4
Quote by: @Shyads
Oh I am so glad to hear it! I'd been concerned seeing the auctions still live on the NFT website, it really sucks that you can't back out of auctions once they're started but I'm guessing that must be an attempt to cut down on scams

Thank you guys for promising to communicate in the future before launching something like this <:>

And as for other ways to support the site, I think physical merch could work really well! Especially if there was an option to verify your purchase to earn pixpet tickets from that :O

I remember back on dragonadopters, the dark dragon got a plush made but I don't know how Komodos experience with that was, or if it went well enough that he'd be willing to try again? I've seen a couple successful kickstarters get launched for plush toys and enamel pins, maybe that would be a good way to get that going with less worry about striking even/profit? Cos y'all have my sympathy, making merch is a huge investment and that can be terrifying to make even when the economy isn't doing backflips

Merch doesn't really make much if you haven't like 100reds of people ordering, so this is more like fan service. Also plushies need to be designed and whatnot so you got to sell maybe a thousand to make up the design costs. The original Dark Dragon Plush was pitched on a site called patchtogether.com, but they don't support user pitches anymore because the low stock amounts they had to produce were not economically feasible in the long run.
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