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Oct 12th, 2021
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2 Years ago
Dec 1st, 2021 - 1:39 AM
Nr. 22 #42573 1
Quote by: @inked

I think I disagree really heavily regarding potion monetization. The first thing my friend said to me when I introduced them to the game was "Does this game force you to pay money to speed things up?" and when I said no, they said "Oh thank God, I thought this was going to be like one of those money grabby mobile games. I would've quit in the tutorial haha."

There are so many cooler monetization options that could be just as incentivizing if not more so, without making a pay-to-win feature and forcing people who can't pay for tickets to have to wait.. literally a day to just swap out to a different pixpet if they want to. I think a ticket decoration catalogue or the ability to list things for tickets in the auction house would help way more than monetizing too aggressively on speed-up potions.

I both agree and disagree. Honestly I don't like the idea of monetizing the potions either, but I don't entirely agree with them existing in the first place (main reason I'm glad they exist is the very thing you mentioned of swapping pets) And unfortunately, the mobile game comparison is apt- this sort of waiting mechanic is very reminiscent of mobile games, there's no disguising or sugar-coating that. The question is whether the game is artificially inflated for the sake of driving you to spend that premium currency. They very nature of how you buy those speed-ups can definitely paint the perception of the game. I also feel like hoards shouldn't go over a max of 24 hours and that pets should be allowed to be put back in the inventory during resting periods, the second being one that especially annoyed me when I was trying to move houses. Overall, though, the super potions for hoard returns and such haven't really been good in my eyes, as I feel like having them has more stunted my progress on site spending coins to get them. Obviously this is first and foremost a ME problem, my own impatience and how it interacts with a gameplay mechanic, and I know exaclty why it exists, more just an explanation for my biggest reason I don't like them. If you could put pets back in your inventory during rest/move hoarding pets directly into a new house without having to wait for them to get back and rest to move them, then I wouldn't see the need for them at all, as I feel like they interfere with the main gameplay loop more than anything else.

Primarily I was making the 'potions for tickets' argument from the place of what we have on the site RIGHT NOW that would make tickets worth being a thing to spend money on. If we're talking making different things to spend tickets on, then I completely agree with simply nixing super pixcoins and allowing all potions to be purchased with regular coins. As it is, there's not a ton to spend tickets on at the moment, with the best thing being storage space and if you don't like the decorations, that's it.

Quote by: @Kudamon
Potion monetization would be terrible. I hope it doesn't happen. It's just greed when devs sell the solution to problems that they design.

Well that's the question, though, isn't it? Whether it would be a good change or not aside, can you say that "Selling the solution to a problem you designed" would be the case considering the game was designed with wait from the start? Along with, again, the whole waiting and checking in being the main gameplay loop, so would wait even be a so-called problem with the game in and of itself? Because there IS a difference between a gameplay aspect a person doesn't enjoy and an actual gameplay problem.

Though I guess even if I feel like that's a critical question in a discussion of this sort of thing, the effect would be people seeing it as greed regardless, because people tend to assume that sort of thing these days. With good reason, considering the pattern of other games and game developers, but still.
Last edited by TheSilverSword, Oct 30th, 2023 - 8:12 PM
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