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Feb 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 8th, 2019 - 6:37 AM
Nr. 25 #4632
@niyo aww, alpha has such a personality! i cant wait to see more of him, if you plan on writing more :3
@draconismusic yeah dont worry double posting is a given in this thread xD i love how youve written your pets!

Roe. Page 6.

The sky was dull as rain poured all day... and night, and then some. Vermicelli fretted over how the trinuts plant would be overwatered, but luckily he had forgotten to plant new pumpkins. The trinuts were the only casualty- "Well, whatever, I got what I needed, and evolvulus flowers would be a better investment anyway." Bunny had declared, as she helped the noodle move in a vibrantly verdant sapling. I, as per my usual, simply lazed around reading. Another slow and dreary day.

The atmosphere certainly affected Rossalin and Igumetal, rivals sworn to death heaped in the corner, knocked out. I hear a low pressure system can make many people (and presumably Pixpets) slow and sluggish, which explains why neither of them could be bothered to.. be bothered.

However, the day was not nothing. A newcomer to the family arrived, in the form of a gangly and awkward goat. He was able to stand incredibly fast, and spared no time in nibbling whatever was within reach. An Indigoat through and through, which I found myself. The first book I read was a manual on how to care for these weird animals. His name is Orangoat, and he's been out frolicking in the rain all day. I can only hope he doesn't try to eat my books.
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