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Jul 12th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 11:55 AM
Nr. 3 #4771
I have many OCs, and although I don't have a particular favorite, the one I currently work most with is Heather, my main character for a Harry Potter fanfic I've started the 14th of December last year, although I have yet to decide whether or not to post it and if yes, where to post it. My (current) favorite fictional character is... Oh Dear... there are so many... but I suppose I'll go with The Iron Bull from Dragon Age Inquisition.

^ I'm guessing BK47 either likes possums, tooth brushes, the act of brushing teeth, or all three.

> I'm an artsy artist who struggles to art.

v Not sure what to ask, so I'm going to make a cup of tea and have it ask the question for me
"Wat is een eigenschap die men nog niet van jou kent?" which translates to "What is a trait that people don't know about you yet?"
TheDragonPrincess's Signature
Silence is golden and hugs are amaze
But I don't like people; they exhaust me for days
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