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Jan 9th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jan 15th, 2019 - 1:22 PM
Nr. 216 #5707
Quote by: @MiezMiez
Quote by: @rythec
i was thinking maybe for the market, two things.

1. optional snipe guards on auctions

if someone wants to on their auction, they can add a snipe guard so that if someone bids like, 5 seconds before the auction ends, there will be extra time added to the auction. honestly its a little infuriating to leave say for an hour and find youve been outbidded and the auction has ended!

2. include items in user shops when market searching

not everyone wants to wait for an auction to end, yknow? so perhaps when searching for an item, include items in peoples user shops so they can just autobuy?

there is a snipe guard.^^ don't know at what point it starts, but if you bid on an auction a few seconds before it ends, 10 minutes will be added to the auction

an easier way to look through usershops would be very helpfull though^^

Snipe guard starts if bids are placed after 9min 59 secs. c: So basically if you bid while there is less than 10 mins remaining, and like you said it adds 10 additional minutes.

I almost wish there was an optional snipe guard, though, because I have had the situation where I've been waiting for an auction of mine to end for literal hours because people keep bidding... I guess I shouldn't complain because extra money but it does sometimes get frustrating when auctions seemingly won't end. ): Not sure if there really is a solution to this, though! And that's totally fine.
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