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5 Years ago
Jan 19th, 2019 - 5:29 PM
Nr. 35 #6298
Inanna the Indigoat's Journal, Page 2
January 19, 2019

It has been nearly 3 weeks now since I hatched, but I still haven’t been allowed to go on a hoard. I am more than ready!!! Pacing back and forth each day watching and waiting for Alasdair and Vasuki is becoming infuriatingly tedious. I want to go out and help bring things back for our potions and to sell on the market so we can finally get out of this cramped house, but since the other two are far more skilled, I have to wait.

I did get a chance to visit Vermicelli the Noo-Long gardener, who told me a trick about harvesting pumpkins early when there are only 1-2 blooms, and letting them grow to full size when there are 3-4. So, I’ve been managing to make enough food to keep Alasdair and Vasuki going constantly, but it only feels like just enough.

A few days ago, Alasdair came home proudly bearing a Tuxo egg, along with a black plastic table. He was excited because he had finally caught back up to Vasuki’s level. Then, a couple hours later, Vasuki returned home, also with a Tuxo egg. Alasdair tried to act pleased about it, but the way he hunched his shoulders and tilted back his ears, I could tell he was annoyed. To make matters worse, Schnecco kept the egg Vasuki brought, and auctioned off Alasdair’s. Alasdair is the older one, but somehow, Vasuki keeps one-upping him on their hoards. It’s not like Vasuki does it on purpose. The Noo-Long just merrily goes about their tasks and wants everyone to be happy. Vasuki also seems to sense Alasdair’s mood, and gives him space when the two are actually home at the same time.

Even Alasdair’s large table was given to Vasuki out in the tiny backyard, but now the yard is so cramped that Vasuki mainly uses the table like a cave and sleeps underneath it. Alasdair hasn’t been completely left out, though. We saw a lovely rose glass designer table at the market, and Schnecco decided we needed to have it. Potions aside, it appears only rare rose Noo-Longs can find them. The bidding war for it became so intense at the end that I ran away because I just couldn’t take it. I felt bad for the people we were bidding against. But in the end, Schnecco brought home the glistening pink glass table and placed it inside Alasdair’s small room. The room really does look much better now that everything isn’t strewn all over the floor, and Alasdair has his own designer table-cave. It would probably be shinier if the big window was still there to let in the sunlight, but Schnecco removed it to hang up a painting that Alasdair found last week that actually makes the room feel cozier than the window did.

Sometimes I wander into our small hut just to gaze at the oddly soothing glossy rose table. When I finally break from the mesmerizing spell of the table, I stare at the dormant Tuxo egg. I wonder if we will become friends.
Schnecco's Signature

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