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Jan 9th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jan 20th, 2019 - 11:06 AM
Nr. 238 #6420
Quote by: @Wayvern
A daily (or weekly) trade in is a nice idea. You would have to consider the effect it would have on the pixpet auctions/sales which would also be greatly effected by this. There would be less eggs up for auction for example as people will be hoarding their eggs in hopes that they can be used for this. The drop in auction pets could effect prices, as they prices are likely to go up, especially if the egg is wanted in the trade for that day.

That is true! I did think about that, and think that maybe, especially as the site grows (this is maybe something that would work better with a larger site population and more pets etc) it would even out and the auctions wouldn't suddenly be completely barren.

This might also be elevated if it was a less frequent quest, like a weekly. Would also give people time to obtain the egg they want/need and hatch it. Prices gauging could be avoided if the quest target isn't the same for everyone, a colour request could be randomly generated per person that goes to accept it (aka - I go ask for a quest, I get the colour blue. You go ask for a quest, you get green, etc). If you want to prevent people hoarding pre-hatched pets, you could also have it be a requirement that the hatchday of the pet is AFTER you accepted the quest. Although this does negate one of my original benefits, which would be a useful destination for extra pets left over from trying to hatch a certain colour.

If you make the quest require the hatchday after the quest accept, it would allow for some kind-of gamble/strategy aspect. Do I hatch the common egg that has a high chance of hatching into the colour I need? Or do I go for the rarer egg that maybe takes longer to hatch, or the egg that has a lower chance to hatch as what I need, but I'll get more points if I do? Do I try and buy multiple eggs and hatch a bunch at a time to see if I can get what I need? Etc.

With the possible addition of allowing for direct egg sales/trades (aka, putting eggs for sale in a shop/being able to transfer them to people/being able to trade them) it would allow people to sell/buy/trade eggs specifically because of the quest. Like, "Hey, I have a quest to get X colour, I'm looking for A, B, or C egg." etc.

I agree with what you've brought up, though, those would be things to consider if that kind of quest were to be implemented. 0:
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Last edited by Valtien, Jul 3rd, 2019 - 2:09 AM
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