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5 Years ago
Jan 20th, 2019 - 4:21 PM
Nr. 241 #6448 1
Quote by: @Faeryheart
Quote by: @Heartrend

I'm not saying that this isn't an issue, but I think the bigger issue is that many people sell plastic furniture and other common items for 100 coins or more. They seem to be relying on someone missclicking to buy their items or beginners thinking that they're worth the money (everyone starts with 400 coins, so they might think 100 isn't a lot). Or maybe they hope that someone will be generous enough to buy it, but whichever it is I think it's unfair in every situation to receive so much for a common item, so maybe there should be a maximum price for items or something.

I dont think maximum pricing is a good solution for that. One person wants 100 PC for an Evolvulus Flower, another wants 15. The former isn't wrong that they see it as more valuable, they just aren't nearly as likely to get customers.

The stuff I mentioned is different imo, since they're either 100% free, or can be bought infinitely at a set price the site has. It's a universal price that there is absolutely no (logical) reason to go over, since basic ingredients are always stocked. You can't buy furniture from the site, so it doesn't have that set price. Even with the sellback feature, each individual has to choose their price. And sometimes it so happens it's crazy expensive. I can definitely see your concern, but I don't think there's much to do to solve it completely without removing a lot of freedoms in the economy. After all, no matter where you look, when it comes to sales, including in real life, there's going to be something that is WAY overpriced.

Though... perhaps a way to look up usershops for specific items as a few have mentioned would help lessen the effectiveness of those types of scams. It could filter it so the lowest price is seen first. I'm sure something about searching usershops is something that's on an INCREDIBLY long list Komodo has, haha.

... Did any of that even make sense, why I find these different situations? I'm running on low sleep after work here, don't mind me. :')
Heartrend's Signature

"I think we just need to touch on more... personal matters."
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