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Jan 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 21st, 2019 - 12:31 AM
Nr. 36 #6503
Date: Jan. 20th, 2019.
Writer: Macy the Altudrax

I have intended on writing this entry earlier, but I was so caught up in hoarding that I simply didn’t have the time! But now that I finally have the time to rest, I can write again.

What happened while I was gone? Well, my owner had recently made an evobar for me! She spent the last few weeks trying to get the required ingredients, but most of them were difficult to get because she was outbid by other owners who also happened to want the ingredients. I took the evobar as soon as it was ready, and I went through a drastic change! I can no longer stand on two legs, but my new, longer ones don’t seem to hinder my mobility, nor my new wings! I can finally fly like I had dreamed before, and it makes hoarding all the more easier! I’m still trying to get used to my new talons, though, so I apologize if my writing is slightly curvier than I normally write. My little younger brother Rock must be very jealous by now, but my owner is currently working on making an evobar for him as well! I wonder what his second form will be like...

This is all I have to write for now, but until then, journal! :)

- Sincerely, Macy
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Draco | Cisgender Female | 19 | Autistic Artist and Writer | Dragon and Robot Fanatic

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Last edited by DraconicMusic, Jan 21st, 2019 - 6:35 AM
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