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Sep 3rd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Sep 21st, 2018 - 6:19 AM
Nr. 32 #676
Quote by: VampVixen
Change how Hoard time scales

At the moment. it looks as if the time spent out on Hoards scales with your pets level. I'm not sure if this stops, so I'm going to make this suggestion just in case. Maybe halt how much it scales to stop at somewhere between 5 to 8 hours?

I'm really afraid of hoard hours scaling to ridiculous times (Your pet is a really high level and takes that many hours to come back. Like atm mine is level 7 and takes 7 hours on a hoard. That's fine but what if it reaches that lvl 50 evolution requirement, but the hoard time is also 50 hours? That's more than 2 days!)


Make it take LESS time as your pet ages! Hoarding could be a skill that levels up until the MINIMUM hoard time gets to be 1-2 hours? Increasing hoard time actually makes it seem like your pet gets worse at exploring the more exp it gains. So maybe it could start at 10 hours at level 1 and decrease by 10-30 minutes as it gains higher levels.

tbh I'm happy with them taking longer as they level up. because I'm assuming the rewards scale with it. like you're not going to get the same items from a 10-hour hoard as you did when it was for 2 hours. Also, i'd actually happy now that I'm reaching the longer hoard times, because i don't have to micromanage my schedule throughout the day to make sure I'm maximising my hoard turnaround.

What I would suggest, is if this isn't already a thing because it very well may be, that perhaps there is a cap for the time span. like let's say 24 hours as a cap. once you reach that it longer increases with the level. But me personally, I'm happy with the cap being higher, just 24 hours is an easily understood timeframe.

I had a few others things but that's for the discord because this isn't a discussion thread ;; v;
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|| Mahu | she/her | 21 | Australia ||
Last edited by MahuruRaji, Jul 3rd, 2019 - 2:09 AM
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