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Jan 3rd, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jan 25th, 2019 - 6:10 AM
Nr. 28 #7073
Hello! I hope I'm not too late. I had to have a heavy think about getting into roleplay again!

Character Name: Vidali
Age: 3.5 years or 42 months/moons
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: Velibolt

Personality: She holds an air of confident swagger, as well as love for skirting the dangerous. Her heart has remained adventurous since the days she was a young fledgling, and often an individual who gets caught up in unneeded troubles. Vidali could be well-described as having an airy personality: chatty, happy-go-lucky, and able to move on from an argument with relative ease; despite her initial friendliness, some may find she is so amicable to the point it could become irritating. After all, Vidali has never been on to hold a grudge - ever.

Backstory: Ever the 'scout'-type of her family. Her adventuring and long days away from the home eventually earned her a solid recommendation to join the HPA by the head of her family. Eager to consume yet another challenge, Vidali was quick to agree to the opportunity. Little does her family know that the ambitious Velibolt signed up to join the expedition of the Izzet Jungle, and she completely intends to keep them in the dark about it. What could go wrong?

Appearance: Her rounds scales are a dark grey, almost charcoal in color. Her feathers are a blazing orange, and she is striped with accents of bright yellow and a pearl white.

Other: This section may be updated in the future to hold adventuring notes!
Last edited by Jelly, Feb 1st, 2019 - 3:09 PM
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