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5 Years ago
Jan 27th, 2019 - 7:40 PM
Nr. 37 #7388 1
Alasdair the Feliphene’s Journal, Page 3

January 27, 2019

Honestly, I am not sure that I am entirely comfortable writing about the things I want to today, but they are really bothering me and maybe getting it out will help me feel better, so, well, I guess I will try.

Others have already mentioned the possible dangers the further one goes out during hoards, and now that I have the stamina to travel almost two days at a time, when I get really far from home, sometimes I catch a whiff of creatures that don’t smell quite like other PixPets or people. I am not sure what to make of them, but I don’t want to get too close in case I can’t outrun whatever they are. Maybe I am being paranoid, but sometimes, way out in the wilderness, every little sound makes me jump. During my long excursions, I often have to stop somewhere to sleep, but I am no longer comfortable doing so at night. Luckily, I can see really well in the dark. Schnecco says that if I’m like the cats from her world, it’s probably because I have a reflective structure in the back of my eyes called a tapetum lucidum that helps capture every tiny bit of light, which is helpful when light is scarce. So now I travel with all senses on high alert at night, and only pause to nap when the sun is shining.

The other day, when I was taking a much needed rest in the safety of my little home, Schnecco happened to be looking at nervous tissue from different animals under her microscope, and was telling me all about the different kinds of worms and fungus and parasites that can infect cat brains. They usually only do so when the cat has a weakened immune system, but there are cat viruses that can wreak havoc on said immune system. Why, why, why would she tell me such things?! Is it because I brought back another Feliphene egg instead of a Xeldron when she gave me high grade PixPet and Level Increaser potions? I really tried, but I think it might be too dangerous for me to go where the Xeldron eggs are right now. I am going to have nightmares forever. I hope those viruses and parasites and things don’t exist in this world, and they probably only infect cats and not Feliphenes, but still, now I am paranoid about very big creatures and even more about tiny dangers I may not be able to see.

You… you don’t think I’m just some crazy scaredy-cat now, do you?
Schnecco's Signature

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