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Dec 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 4th, 2019 - 8:59 AM
Nr. 6 #8230

Yup, one betta per tank :) Actually, one of my tanks is a 'duo' one, so technically, I have two betta tanks. The inhabitants: A black/purple crowntail named Moon, a 'thai flag' crowntail named Aare(whose colours have dramatically changed over the years, so I have a feeling he is a 'marble') and a copper halfmoon crowntail named Cypreus :D [pic below shows the tank model I have, not my actual tank]

Rosy barbs get around 2 inches long, so I'd say they're fairly big, I keep them in a 20L/5g which I must truthfully say is too small - once I get a job I must buy a 50L/13g for them. I bought them over six years ago, when I was young, didn't do any research and was ignorant (Not helped by the petshop staff who recommended that twenty rosy barbs can fit into such a small tank, and the fact that when they were young they were only 1cm/0.3inch!)

Rosy barbs are usually considered as bait fish, but they have more personality than people credit them for :D When they're hungry in the morning, they have a habit of trying to swim as fast as they can to me (their food source XD) and you can actually hear them headbutting the glass (I'm scared they'll ruin their noses though!)

I love your betta tank, it's beautiful! Awesome looking plants and setup Very interesting piece of driftwood too, I want to get into aquascaping in the future :)
It's also great that your betta is getting along with his smaller tank buddies :D

I also once had female and male guppies, but although famous for their breeding, mine never bred at all. I still question what discouraged or prevented them from breeding, haha.

I heard of a type of crayfish that is very friendly, but I forgot to write down the species name!
Your little guy looks so cute, peeking out from his little hidey

It's sad that some parasites hitchhiked a ride to your tank :( I had a similar experience years ago, wiping out half of my old community tank, including many of the species I mentioned in my prev post.

Dwarf puffers are definitely one of those fish that are underrated - full of personality and with an unstoppable hunger for snails, my friend has reported!
I think I heard of triops once before, they look like very interesting little critters. My friend said they looked "like dead fish" XD I have to get them to appreciate triops! I didn't know that they had to be grown from nauplii, very cool indeed!

Thanks for sharing your tanks :D I'm also happy to see I'm not the only one with an overly enthusiastic love for fish and other animals XD
Sorry about my very long reply, I can't help not talking about fish, haha.

I love how the names you gave your fish all start with an 's' too :D I was about to name my fish Steven, Stevenson, Stephen, Steve... (you get the idea, haha)

I was thinking between corydoras or otocinclus for a future tank (if I have enough money XD). Hmm, didn't know that their were albino corydoras available, I'll definitely have to look into my lfs for those!

I relate about those beginner mistakes - I think the good thing is that we're better aquarists now, and always learning! (^_^)

It's great that you've planned out all your aquariums first :D All three species are very rewarding, my favourite being bettas, haha.
You wouldn't want to make fish go through your mistakes, as I have done - Since you don't have tanks yet, I'm going to dump advice on you (hope you don't mind!):

    Research everything about a species and write it down. For example, temps, pH, diet, diseases, etc. I'm assuming you've already done that though.

    Don't start with a small tank. You will upgrade. It might sound cheap and money wise to get a small tank, but believe me, you will buy a larger one XD Also, larger ones need to be cleaned less, hehe.

    You must have a quarantine tank, even if it's a small tank, or even bucket.

    If something seems 'off' about your fish/shrimp, immediately quarantine it, research the symptoms(be careful of your sources though) and apply medicine as fast as you can. Quick action can save a lot of fish!

    For new fish from the store, also quarantine!
    I have killed fish in my community tank once by not quarantining a new fish :(

    - Nano Neocaridinia Aquarium (I recommend this video, but I never kept shrimp before so I can't offer any further advice)
    - Betta Aquarium (Longicaudatus's tank is a good example)
    - Guppy Paludarium (This sounds really awesome! Remember to never start with a super small tank)

I hope you'll be able to get your dream tanks soon :D
This is a hobby that will last for life... you will never escape... XD

Aw :( I'm sorry that you're too busy for some fish at the moment.

Fighting fish are definitely one of the most beautiful and angry have such individuality!
I will have to agree with you: all fish are good fish! (^_^)/

Are you on Flight Rising? I'm on there by the same long name :D
SuperNinjaDragon's Signature

Nice to meet you (^_^) I'm still a beginner here! Flight Rising / DeviantArt
Last edited by BK47, Feb 4th, 2019 - 9:19 PM
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