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Aquarium hobbyists - what's your favourite fish? (35 Posts and 232 Views)

Dec 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 2nd, 2019 - 6:58 AM
Nr. 1 #7960
Hello, I am curious to see if anybody else is in the hobby, and what types of fish they like and currently have! :)

I have multiple tank syndrome, and currently own three nanotanks XD Altogether, I have:
    - 7x Rosy Barbs
    - 2x Neon Tetras (I need to get a new tank for them / give them away / buy more)
    - 3x Siamese Fighting Fish

(I used to own other various species, including guppies, platies, mollies, salt and pepper catfish, goldfish (exact type unknown), 'moss tetras')

I have a huge list of fish I want in the future, haha. Right now, I really want:
    Microgeophagus ramirezi (German blue rams)! They're just so pretty!

    Any Pseudomugil (Blue-eyes) - all the different species have their own charm

    Thai Silk Flowerhorns~

    Red or blue coloured Neocaridina, especially Red Rilli

    And the more common Rummynose Tetra, I like their patterns!

    Thinking about Apistogrammas too, but they seem generally rather aggressive and probably won't fit in my dream setup. Bichirs, Gars and Discus are also catching my attention... there are so much awesome fish!

So guys, what fish do you have and/or want? :D
SuperNinjaDragon's Signature

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Jan 5th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Feb 2nd, 2019 - 9:56 AM
Nr. 2 #7974
Nice to see another aquarist here! Cool to hear your stocking, im guessing you have one betta per tank. What about the rosy barbs, don't they get pretty big? What plans do you have for them? As for fish you want, wow can't say I've ever heard of a pseudomugil but man they're pretty.

I've been in the hobby for about half a year now, come to think of it. In that time, i've cumulated 3 tanks. Two ten gallons, and a 5 gallon. My first 10 gallon houses a Black racer nerite that's been with me since the beginning, a pretty basic veiltail male betta and 7 neon tetras.

My other ten gallon has 2 platies that i've raised from fry, and 2 guppy fry. I actually used to have many more livebearers in that tank, but they all died from what im guessing is parasites. Because I didn't quarantine when adding a new guppy. Oops. Lastly, in my 5 gallon I house a single dwarf crayfish. (he's my profile picture).

As far the fish I want in the future go, I really want dwarf puffers. They're absolutely adorable, and I hear they're incredibly intelligent too. The only thing stopping me from getting them tomorrow is the fact that they're incredibly aggressive and incompatible with all my other stocking.

Another fish (not really) I really want are to start keeping Triops again. I absolutely love triops, I think they're incredibly cool creatures. In fact, my username is a particular species of triops. They're incredibly cool invertabrae, and I was actually going to keep them in the 5 gallon, until I moved my dwarf crayfish there. Thing is, when raising triops you raise them from tiny nauplii (baby form) and so they require special care. Additionally, my crayfish is a savage monster who annihilates anything hes with, snails, guppies ( i learned that the hard way). So, I think i'll have to wait a while till I can keep triops again.
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Dec 22nd, 2017
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5 Years ago
Feb 2nd, 2019 - 10:28 PM
Nr. 3 #8012
I have 4 Albino Corydora all about 6ish years old I got when I first started caring for a tank. They have been through so much of my beginner mistakes and everything I can attest to their hardiness. Still not 100% sure on their sexes so they have been named 2 boy and 2 girl names that can be to applied to whomever lol (Sarah, Savannah, Steve and Shane)
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Mar 6th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 3rd, 2019 - 7:12 PM
Nr. 4 #8127
Another one here, but I don't have any tanks set up currently, but I am planning the following:
- Nano Neocaridinia Aquarium
- Betta Aquarium
- Guppy Paludarium
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5 Years ago
Feb 3rd, 2019 - 7:45 PM
Nr. 5 #8132
i don't have the energy to keep up a tank rn, especially since work has me away from home for days at a time. my favourite tanks are mostly vegetation and siamese fighting fish, particularly halfmoons and feathertails. all fish are good fish tho :'D
Kookaburra's Signature

Dec 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 4th, 2019 - 8:59 AM
Nr. 6 #8230

Yup, one betta per tank :) Actually, one of my tanks is a 'duo' one, so technically, I have two betta tanks. The inhabitants: A black/purple crowntail named Moon, a 'thai flag' crowntail named Aare(whose colours have dramatically changed over the years, so I have a feeling he is a 'marble') and a copper halfmoon crowntail named Cypreus :D [pic below shows the tank model I have, not my actual tank]

Rosy barbs get around 2 inches long, so I'd say they're fairly big, I keep them in a 20L/5g which I must truthfully say is too small - once I get a job I must buy a 50L/13g for them. I bought them over six years ago, when I was young, didn't do any research and was ignorant (Not helped by the petshop staff who recommended that twenty rosy barbs can fit into such a small tank, and the fact that when they were young they were only 1cm/0.3inch!)

Rosy barbs are usually considered as bait fish, but they have more personality than people credit them for :D When they're hungry in the morning, they have a habit of trying to swim as fast as they can to me (their food source XD) and you can actually hear them headbutting the glass (I'm scared they'll ruin their noses though!)

I love your betta tank, it's beautiful! Awesome looking plants and setup Very interesting piece of driftwood too, I want to get into aquascaping in the future :)
It's also great that your betta is getting along with his smaller tank buddies :D

I also once had female and male guppies, but although famous for their breeding, mine never bred at all. I still question what discouraged or prevented them from breeding, haha.

I heard of a type of crayfish that is very friendly, but I forgot to write down the species name!
Your little guy looks so cute, peeking out from his little hidey

It's sad that some parasites hitchhiked a ride to your tank :( I had a similar experience years ago, wiping out half of my old community tank, including many of the species I mentioned in my prev post.

Dwarf puffers are definitely one of those fish that are underrated - full of personality and with an unstoppable hunger for snails, my friend has reported!
I think I heard of triops once before, they look like very interesting little critters. My friend said they looked "like dead fish" XD I have to get them to appreciate triops! I didn't know that they had to be grown from nauplii, very cool indeed!

Thanks for sharing your tanks :D I'm also happy to see I'm not the only one with an overly enthusiastic love for fish and other animals XD
Sorry about my very long reply, I can't help not talking about fish, haha.

I love how the names you gave your fish all start with an 's' too :D I was about to name my fish Steven, Stevenson, Stephen, Steve... (you get the idea, haha)

I was thinking between corydoras or otocinclus for a future tank (if I have enough money XD). Hmm, didn't know that their were albino corydoras available, I'll definitely have to look into my lfs for those!

I relate about those beginner mistakes - I think the good thing is that we're better aquarists now, and always learning! (^_^)

It's great that you've planned out all your aquariums first :D All three species are very rewarding, my favourite being bettas, haha.
You wouldn't want to make fish go through your mistakes, as I have done - Since you don't have tanks yet, I'm going to dump advice on you (hope you don't mind!):

    Research everything about a species and write it down. For example, temps, pH, diet, diseases, etc. I'm assuming you've already done that though.

    Don't start with a small tank. You will upgrade. It might sound cheap and money wise to get a small tank, but believe me, you will buy a larger one XD Also, larger ones need to be cleaned less, hehe.

    You must have a quarantine tank, even if it's a small tank, or even bucket.

    If something seems 'off' about your fish/shrimp, immediately quarantine it, research the symptoms(be careful of your sources though) and apply medicine as fast as you can. Quick action can save a lot of fish!

    For new fish from the store, also quarantine!
    I have killed fish in my community tank once by not quarantining a new fish :(

    - Nano Neocaridinia Aquarium (I recommend this video, but I never kept shrimp before so I can't offer any further advice)
    - Betta Aquarium (Longicaudatus's tank is a good example)
    - Guppy Paludarium (This sounds really awesome! Remember to never start with a super small tank)

I hope you'll be able to get your dream tanks soon :D
This is a hobby that will last for life... you will never escape... XD

Aw :( I'm sorry that you're too busy for some fish at the moment.

Fighting fish are definitely one of the most beautiful and angry have such individuality!
I will have to agree with you: all fish are good fish! (^_^)/

Are you on Flight Rising? I'm on there by the same long name :D
SuperNinjaDragon's Signature

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5 Years ago
Feb 4th, 2019 - 4:03 PM
Nr. 7 #8252
All but one of our pets go by the S scheme then there's Leila lol

Yeah I'm honestly starting to believe my dad that they may all be girls since none of them look different from one another and they'll just cover the tank in eggs 4-6 times a year. None of the eggs have hatched let alone been fertilized(from what my eyes can tell). I've tried moving them so they don't eat them so fast but they are so sensitive I've given up. My biggest wish is once I move from this dinky small apartment to get them a nice 40 long and add maybe 3-4 more so they have a proper group.

Another interesting thing I learned when I first got then is how many sites I've come across that say either they live 3 years or that they live 15 years big difference there but now I know which ones more right lol
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5 Years ago
Feb 4th, 2019 - 5:12 PM
Nr. 8 #8262
@SuperNinjaDragon yes, I know you on fr; I've commissioned art from you on there! you drew Mateo the barista imp and did an amazing job, it's one of my fave pieces :)
Kookaburra's Signature

Feb 4th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Feb 4th, 2019 - 8:59 PM
Nr. 9 #8293
I haven't kept a tank in years bc I just don't have the energy but I've had several tanks in the past. My fav fish are definitely Corydoras! I love their little whiskers and their triangle fins and the way they wiggle when sifting through the sand! I love bottom feeders in general. I've never kept them, but Kuhli loaches are also very cute.
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Dec 22nd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 5th, 2019 - 3:58 AM
Nr. 10 #8323
What a coincidence to meet here! I was thinking that it would be cool if you were Kookaburra from Flight Rising :D Thank you so much for the compliments, very glad you liked the drawing!

I can see why corydoras are your favourite :D I never kept them myself before, but they are certainly very cute!:

At one point, I was hell bent on getting kuhli loaches, but now I'm scared of them wiggling through filters XD Here's a cute loach chewing, too cute to not share!:

nom nom nom

Whoops, I somehow missed your post!

Since Leila has no 's' in her name, I wonder if she feels extra special XD

It's funny that yours lay eggs everywhere, fish are wierd, haha. I had a fish who reasoned that to get food faster he had to eat it in midair, causing me a lot of fear when I feed him, haha

I think that most websites underestimate the lifespan of a fish heavily, most likely due to poor husbandry practices.
Long live our fish!
SuperNinjaDragon's Signature

Nice to meet you (^_^) I'm still a beginner here! Flight Rising / DeviantArt

Sep 20th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 21st, 2019 - 12:53 AM
Nr. 11 #10395
Well since it doesn't say we have to have it as a fav pet fish, my fav is ultimately the whale shark.

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5 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2019 - 11:13 AM
Nr. 12 #10578
I used to have an aquarium once but there wasn't any special fish in there other that once dwarf pufferfish. That little guy was very aggressive towards all the other fish and ended up claiming like 85% of the aquarium for himself (the tank was quite big). All the other fish was more than twice the size... Having him with the other fish was a mistake, poor guys XD
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5 Years ago
Feb 22nd, 2019 - 11:27 AM
Nr. 13 #10579
Achatina Marginata are my favorite-
Wait wrong aquaium
Nivinti's Signature

May 9th, 2019
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4 Years ago
May 12th, 2019 - 6:16 PM
Nr. 14 #19526
Picking a favorite is hard when you have 9 tanks running haha.

Right now in total for freshwater I have a ton of shrimp, 13 Adult angelfish, a whole ton of angelfish fry, 7 Discus, 5 Rainbowfish, 5 kuhli loaches, and 2 Reedfish. Only 3 of those tanks are display tanks, the rest are just breeding/fry tanks with an exception to the lone reef tank. I’ve been interested in finding some shrimp safe fish, although I can seem to decide on anything lol.

Saltwater wise though I have to say anemones <3

Sep 18th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Nov 25th, 2019 - 5:46 PM
Nr. 15 #32424 1
I'm sorry to bring up a thread that's been inactive for a month, but I'm very much into freshwater aquariums especially with plants and shrimp (and people keep giving me their disused aquariums and enabling my addiction!)

I first got into the hobby bc my dad was getting rid of an old tank he never used (said it was 10 gallons, NOPE it was nearly 40) which I slowly made into a planted community tank with some driftwood I populated with what's become my favorite type of fish, CORYDORAS!

I love those wiggly chubs with their lil face nubbins so much, they have such personality especially my emeralds, which keep breeding lately and I'm gonna have to give some away or set up another tank....It's got a few species of tetras and rasboras too but the Cories are my favorite, We have a few Juli and Sterbai Corydoras, but the Emeralds outnumber them from the breeding now.

I've also got a 55g with an Albino Oscar ($10 rescue from Walmart before they thankfully stopped carrying live fish, he was nearly starved from other cichlids bullying him) and a Marbled Bichir which I love because they are so big and interactive, but as much as I love them, the Corydora species has stolen my heart XD

Second place I would give to female Betta fish, we had a "sorority" tank of female Betta and they got along pretty well (the males are the prettier, but really aggressive ones) but sadly since they have such short lifespans (or at least, when they come from a big name chain petstore), they've all since passed, but it was really fun how inquisitive and intelligent they were.
Christovski's Signature

Aug 13th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Nov 25th, 2019 - 10:18 PM
Nr. 16 #32433 1
Omg yay ty Jelly for introducing me to this thread! :D I am...also a fish tank enthusiast though more of a...resurgence since I had kept guppies before. I currently have 4 tanks running...1 5 gal for my betta, 10 gal for my 5 danios, and 2 20 gals. One of them is cycling (its a 20 gal long) since I'm moving my danios in there and hoping to add 5 cories in there rn! I'll be moving my betta into the 10 gal most likely and I've been trying to tell myself to have my 5 gal as a medicine tank just in case but I've been eyeing my friend's koi betta...he's a breeder so I've been just...resisting the urge XD

Anyhow! I had a question for you folks if that's okay? Currently, I am trying to not overstock my 20 gal long. The 5 danios and the 5 cories are the only things i did initial plan for but my other 20 gal actually was very overstocked at some point...it seems to have met an equilibrium and now I have 6 guppies, 2 cories, a bristlenose, 2 algae eaters, and a clown loach. Regrettably, I was looking for a snail eater and this guy kept going on about how a clown loach would be great for my 20 gal not knowing how BIG they got. So far, my loach seems to be happy...I hope it stays that way until I can rehome them to go to a bigger tank.

For now, I'm thinking of adding the loach and one of my algae eaters to the new tank when it cycles. The two algae eaters fight constantly and I didn't realize they could get aggressive towards each other. Would 5 danios, 5 cories, an algae eater, and a clown loach be okay?

If I can add the algae eater and the clown loach, i would like to add either another guppy or two or add 3 more cories. I might add 4 and take one of my original cories out as they are two different species (also my bad...can you tell my original 20 gal was my first time doing anything but guppies?)

I was also thinking of adding something with the betta in my 10 gal. I was thinking of a sorority especially since my betta is a female and very laid back. But for safety, I was thinking of either adding in the guppies there ad doing something else with my original tank, or just having it just a betta tank.

One day when I move from my current house, I do want to try my hand at keeping clown loaches in a 175 gal! My little Houdini has been such an awesome surprise to keep...I'll be sad when I have to let them go. They aren't showing stress at all and only really hides when I walk by. I called them Houdini because I actually lost them once. Turns out they dug a small hole under their log.

Sep 18th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Nov 26th, 2019 - 3:26 PM
Nr. 17 #32458 1
Quote by: @Sherrice
Anyhow! I had a question for you folks if that's okay? Currently, I am trying to not overstock my 20 gal long. The 5 danios and the 5 cories are the only things i did initial plan for but my other 20 gal actually was very overstocked at some point...it seems to have met an equilibrium and now I have 6 guppies, 2 cories, a bristlenose, 2 algae eaters, and a clown loach. Regrettably, I was looking for a snail eater and this guy kept going on about how a clown loach would be great for my 20 gal not knowing how BIG they got. So far, my loach seems to be happy...I hope it stays that way until I can rehome them to go to a bigger tank.

For now, I'm thinking of adding the loach and one of my algae eaters to the new tank when it cycles. The two algae eaters fight constantly and I didn't realize they could get aggressive towards each other. Would 5 danios, 5 cories, an algae eater, and a clown loach be okay?

I'm not an expert mind you, but have been doing freshwater tanks for nearly 3 years now. I've got a 40g long with ~23 fish of various rasbora and tetra species, as well as around 12 cories of mixed species, and it's been very stable this year.

So comparatively in your 20g, 5 danios and 5 cories would be like 1/4 of the bio load in 1/2 the tank space, so I personally think adding an algae eater and clown loach would be totally fine. Granted there are multiple types of algae eater (some get pretty big!) and obviously the loach is a growing boi, so I can't be like 100% "Yes definitely this will totally work" but as long as you keep an eye on it, water change/test water quality regularly, it should be good. As always, there are so many variables in fishkeeping, even just with the water itself, so nothing's guaranteed.

TL;DR: In my experience, seeing as you could probably house 10 danios and 10 cories in that tank with no problem (depending on filtration setup and frequency of water changes) I feel like 5 danios and 5 cories are only about half the load for your tank and adding the algae eater and loach won't overload it.
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Aug 13th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Nov 26th, 2019 - 6:34 PM
Nr. 18 #32461
Quote by: @Christovski
Quote by: @Sherrice
Anyhow! I had a question for you folks if that's okay? Currently, I am trying to not overstock my 20 gal long. The 5 danios and the 5 cories are the only things i did initial plan for but my other 20 gal actually was very overstocked at some point...it seems to have met an equilibrium and now I have 6 guppies, 2 cories, a bristlenose, 2 algae eaters, and a clown loach. Regrettably, I was looking for a snail eater and this guy kept going on about how a clown loach would be great for my 20 gal not knowing how BIG they got. So far, my loach seems to be happy...I hope it stays that way until I can rehome them to go to a bigger tank.

For now, I'm thinking of adding the loach and one of my algae eaters to the new tank when it cycles. The two algae eaters fight constantly and I didn't realize they could get aggressive towards each other. Would 5 danios, 5 cories, an algae eater, and a clown loach be okay?

I'm not an expert mind you, but have been doing freshwater tanks for nearly 3 years now. I've got a 40g long with ~23 fish of various rasbora and tetra species, as well as around 12 cories of mixed species, and it's been very stable this year.

So comparatively in your 20g, 5 danios and 5 cories would be like 1/4 of the bio load in 1/2 the tank space, so I personally think adding an algae eater and clown loach would be totally fine. Granted there are multiple types of algae eater (some get pretty big!) and obviously the loach is a growing boi, so I can't be like 100% "Yes definitely this will totally work" but as long as you keep an eye on it, water change/test water quality regularly, it should be good. As always, there are so many variables in fishkeeping, even just with the water itself, so nothing's guaranteed.

TL;DR: In my experience, seeing as you could probably house 10 danios and 10 cories in that tank with no problem (depending on filtration setup and frequency of water changes) I feel like 5 danios and 5 cories are only about half the load for your tank and adding the algae eater and loach won't overload it.

Ahhh thank you so much! It's a siamese algae eater and I think it's about half grown at about 3 inches right now. The other species I have is a golden algae eater which I will need to rehome eventually as well. Right now, my golden algae eater is roughly the same size as my siamese. I'm pretty sure I would only stick to those. Once the tank is cycled, I'll just add those fish for now, see how well it does, and then see about adding fish! Right now, I'm using the 10 gal's filter. I might invest in another filter even tho i do actually have another 20 gal filter. According to basically all of the reviews I've seen with that filter that came with my 20 gal tank, it was more suited for a 10 or 15 but doesn't do the job for a 20 gal. So it's actually filtering rn in my 10 gal and it works perfectly fine there.

Sep 24th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Nov 27th, 2019 - 3:32 PM
Nr. 19 #32478
Ah, fish. Haven't been in the hobby in a long time, but miss my aquariums dearly. My personal favorites are Oscars (they're like fish puppies), clown loaches (they are what their name states, they are goofy, especially if there is a school of them), and I also like platies (simple is better sometimes).

Cichlids are cool to have too, but only with other cichlids.
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4 Years ago
Nov 27th, 2019 - 6:35 PM
Nr. 20 #32481
I currently have a clown loach and it seems to be doing very well and they are very funny...and likes to scare me. Literally yesterday, I looked in their log and they were on their side and I thought they randomly died. Turns out no, they were not. They also like to not be in the log sometimes and I found out they made a hole underneath the log to hide in too. Unfortunately, eventually they will be given away when they're older because I don't have the tank space around the house to house them...I would LOVE to have a group of clown loaches one day to see their behavior in groups! For now, they get along with my cories.

I was actually watching a video of this guy somehow SOMEHOW having cichlids with guppies. But I think it was a freak accident o_O they said they were just trying to feed them...then they stopped eating them and they bred so here they are! But yeah, definitely would agree with the species only tank for them...
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