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Jan 3rd, 2019
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5 Years ago
Feb 6th, 2019 - 2:24 AM
Nr. 14 #8427
Mal the Noo-Long | HPA Headquarters | Interacting with Hachi @wifflesnuf and Vidali @Jelly

Happy to be fashionably late, Mal carefully maneuvered his lengthy body through the door, excitedly surveying his fellow hoarders. Spotting the serpentine Hachi, he puffed himself up a little– literally, the clouds of his mane billowing. Nothing wrong with wanting to look nice.

"An eager Velibolt, very good!" he smiled, floating above her in a way he hoped was more playful than intimidating. "Good to have young pets interested in hoarding." He turned to Hachi, "Don't you agree?" He smiled, extending a paw in greeting. "Malaceous. Honored to accompany you all." He coiled himself in the air, happily showing off his effortless flight to the gathering group. He idly wondered who, if any, among them had seen a legendary before. He looked forward to meeting them all.
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