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Aug 7th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 12th, 2019 - 8:58 PM
Nr. 44 #9307
Hachi | The Jungle | Interacting with Takeru (@cynderplayer)

"There are... horrible beasts in the forest. Corrupted Pixpets. Ones that have not seen the light of day i the long time, that were released into the forest. Massive versions of ourselves, sometimes fused with others or dramatically changed. Many say they are lab experiments. I say that they are some kind of mutation."

"If you see one, call for help. I promise you'll know one when you see it - they're horrifying, and their eyes are always pitch black." Hachi continued slithering along the forest floor. "The main one that we need to be concerned about is the one they call Scythe - a pitch-black Noo-Long that takes the lives of Pixpet in the night. Based on what I've been told, it has massive legs with large claws, and four pairs of wings."
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vinny - he/maw
the official ceo of cringe. dragon boy and #1 malewife
despite being an early adopter, i'm fairly new here!
Last edited by Wifflesnuf, Feb 12th, 2019 - 9:00 PM
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