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RulesBug Report Guidelines (2 Posts and 261 Views) (Sticky)
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Jan 15th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Oct 30th, 2019 - 7:02 PM
Nr. 1 #31222 2


Along with these board rules, our general forum rules apply on this board too!

About Bug Reports

    Every game has some bugs. Some are minor, some are really nasty. If you encounter a bug, make sure to let us know in here! Bug reports need to be approved first by our Forum Moderators first, to make sure it is actually an existing bug and to avoid duplicate topics about the same bug.

Bug Report Guidelines

    1. Avoid Duplicate Posts

      Before reporting your bug, make sure that there's no report thread already. It doesn't matter if the thread appears as solved or not! Solved bug threads will be marked as unsolved again if the same bug re-appears!

    2. Provide Information

      Provide as much information as possible! Also, make sure to provide screenshots whenever possible! The more information we have on a bug, the faster it can get fixed!

    3. Use the Template

      Below this point you will find a template you have to use for bug reports. Reports need to be approved by our forum moderators first before they will be posted. Reports not following this template won't get approved. However, if there is only one step you do to for the bug to occur, you can delete that point if you have explained it in your description!

    4. Be Helpful when Replying!

      If you are trying to reproduce a bug, don't just post your result (like "I can reproduce this" or "Can't reproduce this"). Always include your system information when doing so.

[b]Description of the Bug:[/b] [...]
[b]Steps to reproduce:[/b] [...]
[b]What should have happened?[/b] [...]
[b]What did happen?[/b] [...]
[b]My System: [/b][...]

[...] has to be replaced with your own text.
For system we need the device you're using (e.g. PC, Samsung Galaxy S10, iPhone 11...), the operating system it runs (Android 9, iOS 12.2, Windows 10 1909...) and the browser version you have (Chrome 77.0.3865.120, mobile Safari, Samsung Web Browser).
If you need assistance with aquiring this information, feel free to contact one of our forum moderators!


Description of the Bug:
Cooking multiple Items doesn't add them to your recipe collection.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Select a recipe
2. Select "All ALL available ingridients"
3. Press on "Start Cooking"
4. Wait until product is finished.
5. Add all to inventory

What should have happened?
Recipe should've been added to my recipe collection

What did happen?
The Recipe didn't get added.

My System:
iPhone XR, iOS 13.2, mobile Safari
Takkju's Signature
No, you are not allowed to do this! And no, don't even ask me if you are allowed to do this!

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Jan 15th, 2018
Posts: 230
Pixpets: 114
Pixdex: 63
2 Years ago
Oct 5th, 2021 - 12:12 AM
Nr. 2 #41127 2
As for normal bug reports, Adventure bug reports should follow these rules. Along with those, following Template should be used to report them:

[b]Description of the Bug:[/b] [...]

[b]Steps to reproduce:[/b] [...]

[b]What should have happened?[/b] [...]

[b]What did happen?[/b] [...]

[b]Name of pet affected:[/b] [...]

[b]Where/When did it happen?(Location/During Battle...)[/b][...]

[b]Block ID (if applicable):[/b] [...]
Takkju's Signature
No, you are not allowed to do this! And no, don't even ask me if you are allowed to do this!

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