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Improvementwhy does the auction system exist? (26 Posts and 325 Views)

Sep 18th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Nov 14th, 2019 - 12:15 AM
Nr. 1 #31986 16
as a relatively new player, i've been trying my best to enjoy pixpet. i like everything except the auction system. i've already voiced my stress about the auction system in my art shop, leading me to consider closing it (and leaving pixpet. but i really want to give it another chance).

i just want to know why the auction system was made. what its intentions were.

here are the reasons i've made this topic:

problems from the perspective of a newer player:
  • it's the rich player's playground. it feels like players are bullying each other, and whoever has more pc wins the war in the end. it's really discouraging to be bidding and suddenly a rich player increases the bid by 200 pc.

  • inflation and pricing problems. selling something rare isn't worth it. it can't get you other rare things. a thread in suggestions made a nice point of being able to trade items for items instead of items for pc only.

  • legendary pixpets are too common in the market, they're not worth to auction right now. (because 500 pc is nothing anymore when it comes to the auction system) i have four extra noo-long eggs! i have a starter friend i want to trade it to, but the auction system would make it impossible.

  • snipeguard is used in wars to purposefully tire people out. i enjoy the consideration, but 10 minutes is way too long. colocrow has kept me up hours. i barely had the money to finish the bid war, but the pressure of colocrow being limited stressed me out.

  • disconnect from community. i've tried my best to forgive some players, but i really cannot stand some of the frequent bidders in the auction house. one specific person (and that person knows who they are) really grinds my gears, and it makes me wish i could block certain people from bidding on something i'm bidding on. it's so frustrating. my patience has really run thin, leading me to hate the bidding community. this has gone past "haha you won this war but i'll win the next one!" it's not friendly rivalry when the people aren't friends in the first place. (i've tried to make peace with this one person. sending 89 white dragon scales for FREE. then a message with 11 more scales. no response except taking the 89 scales and then aggressive bidding in return)

  • difficulty to find items in dealer's den. i normally don't have time to go on the forums, scouring for a specific item i want in the dealer's den. especially when the forums do not have a search function. today was an exception, so i looked through all of the posts on the suggestions and help+questions threads. this topic was not here.

  • yes, i've followed the pc making guide as much as i could. i make pc off of the sudoku arcade game. but 150 pc is barely a reward when the auction system is like... that. i also know it's supposed to be hard to get pc. but this is too steep for newer players.

    i think the roots of these problems reside within the community itself. i just don't know how to tackle it aside from bringing these problems into a spotlight for discussion. though if that were the case, this forum might be moved to discussion instead of help and questions.

    (topic is followed.)

    Mar 26th, 2019
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 12:32 AM
    Nr. 2 #31987 4
    Heya, how's it going? I'm sorry to hear that this is stressing you out so much.
    I do have a few gripes about the system myself (especially when I was first starting) as well as a few counterpoints and suggestions.

    it's really discouraging to be bidding and suddenly a rich player increases the bid by 200 pc.

    I'm prone to doing this a lot because I just flat out don't have the time or energy to increase the bid by 1PC at a time. Honestly, I wish there was a minimum bid increase implemented. I have legit logged in once to over 50 (*FIFTY*) new messages just from bids, and I know that can get to be way, way more.

    There do definitely need to be more PC sinks to help with the inflation issue.

    That said, try not to take auctions personally! It's really not an attack on you or a way to bully you- people just happen to want the same things, likely for similar reasons you do. With that said, you have some common ground with the person you're bidding against.

    I do definitely wish that there was a better implementation of user shops, or at the very least a search function. A better way to trade eggs or houses between players would be great as well.

    Anyway, that's my two cents on the topic. :P I have a love/hate relationship with the auction system.

    Dec 22nd, 2018
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 12:48 AM
    Nr. 3 #31988 4
    Hi!! i very much agree with the things you said here, liloure....I unfortunately fall into the "increases bids by 200pc" crowd, but wanna explain that a large part of why I do that is also frustration with the auction house itself.

    The long snipeguard is tiring and doesnt really deter a small group of people coming in and repeatedly bidding on last-minute auctions, so I tend to overpay bc 1) it'll likely keep those people away and 2) theres no other real pc sink, so it doesnt really matter if i spend a lot at once. (I don't regard super pixcoins as a worthwhile money sink so all i really spend my pc on is auctions)

    It's also become nearly impossible to even get some of the limited items due to hoard times/large item pools in specific rarities, so when one Happens to come up on the auction house everyone goes ape for it (and in that case, it really is just pc and persistence and it suuuuucks, especially for new players)

    The problem with having a purely auction-based economy is that you dont really Remove any currency from the game, but rather just generate more thru hoard returns/hoard selling and push it around between players (and in this case specifically, it's like three players on this site lmao) so i really do understand your frustrations, and im sorry your experience has been stressful.

    tl;dr: The economy itself is broken partially due to the auction system being the only real way to get some items, the only people who even have a chance are people who got lucky or are already super established players and it sucks
    Autopilot's Signature

    Dec 22nd, 2018
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 12:56 AM
    Nr. 4 #31989 3
    full agree; i just avoid the auction house altogether because of these reasons. its been brought up that the forums can be used to advertise needing things before, but most users (including me, especially if often / always on mobile) don't want to deal with forums for constant ads.
    its just so difficult to locate basic items and get them w/o having to wait out an entire auction and possibly get sniped a ton... thats not even starting on how obnoxious it is to get any decor items that arent basic. some people really just dont have the time to sit and watch auctions, yet auctions are the only reliable place to see multiple items for sale. i've never been able to decorate my houses how i'd like because i've never been able to get all the items on my own, and any time i try at the auction house i have never won. ive been on pixpet for almost a year now and have the biggest house yet nothing to show for it :')

    this issue has been brought up time and time again onsite, adding a 'search user shops' bar would solve so much since it'd make people actually stock their shops, i really hope it can be implemented some day
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    Mar 16th, 2018
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 1:01 AM
    Nr. 5 #31990 2
    Hi, I'm sorry that pixpet hasn't been great for you so far. I just want to say that I agree with you that the whole auction system needs an upgrade.

    For some context, I've been on pixpet for a really long time: I started all the way back in December of last year. Back then, I thought the auction system was pretty good. Very few players had a ton of PC to spend, so prices were never outrageous. However, nowadays I 100% agree that it is way better for richer/older players. I'll admit that when I've been hunting for a certain item for a while, I'll drop a couple hundred PC on it right away, just cause I have the ability to do so.

    (Also, snipeguard is the bane of my existence when I do bid on something, so I feel your pain there)

    Now this is my own personal conspiracy theory, so take it with a grain of salt, but I noticed the auction house changed a lot when white dragon scales were introduced to the game. This was the first time that there was an item that everybody needed (to get a pixpet) and that you needed a LOT of them (298 scales!). The auctions for these scales were crazy. People were buying 1 scale for 500 PC each in some cases. Not only for white dragon scales, but all prices went up in general. It just caused a lot of pandemonium that I think was never resolved, and then jade beads came around and the whole process started again (although slightly less than the extent of the white dragon scales)

    A common suggestion I see made is for a search function for user shops. I think is a great idea and I wish it was around exactly for this reason. Item for item or egg for egg trading is also something I think is long overdue, so hopefully, that feature will come out soon.

    Sorry that this is a bunch of me rambling. I totally get your frustration, and I hope solutions will come soon that makes it easier to buy and trade items.
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    Aug 3rd, 2018
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 1:41 AM
    Nr. 6 #31992 5
    great post, liloure!!

    the auction house is not riveting or 'fun' in any capacity, it really only benefits users who are rich, like you said, on both sides of the market. those who are able to cater to others (rich users) with being able to find/buy rare/seasonal eggs and items consistently by using their wealth, and the other side who blatantly outbids as high as they can to knock people down immediately from bidding (and, usually bidding more than what the item or egg is worth to acquire it.) unfortunately, i've fallen into that bidding habit as well, but only by force. as it seems, the only way to win auctions is to punch others down. it wouldn't be that much of a problem if there were more reliable ways to sell and market user items, but there isn't. i tend to avoid the auction house now, there's no point in it if i barely win bids on items and eggs.

    that being said, it definitely puts a dent on the community... i feel as though we're fighting against each other for items and eggs, when that doesn't have to be the case. it's true that the community is more involved, but more for the worse... the more this carries on, the more i feel as though it's a necessity to try to get ahead by leaving others in the dust and not once question it.

    to note; i feel like no item on this website has a solid price. being only auction-based is damaging the economy more than i'd like to admit. two eggs of the same species can both be up in the auction house, but one will sell for nearly 10k, and the other for almost half that amount.

    on the topic of eggs, too, i would love to be able to trade eggs to my friends or be able to sell them or trade them privately because the egg market on pixpet is... awful... legendaries are no longer a 'rare' occurrence and clog up the auction house, people are aggressive with bidding, and there is no guarantee that my friends or customers will be able to acquire the egg or eggs, since EVERY auction is public.

    there needs to be more ways to sell and buy items, not everyone is competitive and enjoys the aggressive bidding wars and market. at the very least, like everyone else is suggesting, an easier way to find items via user shops and auctions. i agree that it would bring more incentive to consistently stock user shops, and would create a more stable market.

    it would also be extremely nice to have private auctions, or some way to trade eggs, and the hoard reward pool re-balanced. because, as it stands, with the pool for common/uncommon items being so Large, it's almost impossible to get an item that you specifically want (especially event items) without blowing through all of your hard earned money, if you even have any.
    godzilla's Signature

    Mar 8th, 2019
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 2:05 AM
    Nr. 7 #31994 3
    I support global Usershop searching, item for item trading, Egg Usershops. Anything that would let users buy things for set-in-stone prices.
    There's also too much Pc in the economy rn and hoards keep bringing more in (not newbie hoards though, those are very very small amounts before a player has a few lvl100s/an evolved pet or two), and a lot of it is in the hands of established accounts. Unless a small account gets lucky and gets a rare item/ egg on a hoard and then gets lucky to find a buyer on the auction house that decides to overpay for it, newbies really don't have a chance to get good things unless they wait for their own pets to bring them. Not to mention I agree with all the frustrations people expressed with engaging in bidding in the first place.

    Sep 18th, 2018
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 2:27 AM
    Nr. 8 #31997 2
    I agree that something needs to change. It feels like it's so hard to get rare items to exist on-site in the first place, and only some people actually end up with them, so the others never manage to buy the item because not enough exist on-site for people to have them. (I've tried to get the southwestern items, and so far have not won a single auction since they were introduced, nor found anything but the wall-skull on hoards)

    We either need a PC sink so people aren't sitting around with thousands of PC and nothing to do but buy up the rare items, or another way for people to buy items because it's kinda really hard to get things, not even new things anymore (I still can't get a black rug and those were added months ago!)
    Christovski's Signature

    Aug 13th, 2019
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 2:47 AM
    Nr. 9 #31998 6
    I'm much too tired to respond to everything in this thread, but I agree with most of the points raised. I find myself irritated at users I've never even talked to or interacted with outside of auctions because they consistently outbid me on auctions. I wonder if it's possible to make bidding anonymous? Feeling this frustrated and angry at some people on this website is unhealthy for the community, and I think it would be much harder to get mad at an anonymous bidder and not someone who you see every day on the auctions. I don't know what the point of knowing who you're bidding against is. All you really need to know is when the auction ends and what the current bid is.

    Sep 18th, 2019
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 2:58 AM
    Nr. 10 #31999 3
    Quote by: @Klaora

    That said, try not to take auctions personally! It's really not an attack on you or a way to bully you- people just happen to want the same things, likely for similar reasons you do. With that said, you have some common ground with the person you're bidding against.

    oh gosh, while i agree i shouldn't be taking them like personal attacks or bullying, but i realize my wording sounded much more... dire? by bullying, i failed to give you guys the visual of "i'm imagining this like a sandlot kids play in, bullies just going at it beating each other down" which is a silly visual, but it's the one i had in mind while writing. i think i should've worded that better, but i also think your advice about not taking things personally is also good advice! thank you.

    to everyone admitting about being prone to the 200 pc bid increases, i absolutely understand. i just wish we wouldn't be forced to behave this way to get what we want... :/

    Quote by: @eura
    I'm much too tired to respond to everything in this thread, but I agree with most of the points raised. I find myself irritated at users I've never even talked to or interacted with outside of auctions because they consistently outbid me on auctions. I wonder if it's possible to make bidding anonymous? Feeling this frustrated and angry at some people on this website is unhealthy for the community, and I think it would be much harder to get mad at an anonymous bidder and not someone who you see every day on the auctions. I don't know what the point of knowing who you're bidding against is. All you really need to know is when the auction ends and what the current bid is.

    that would be great! the only situation i could understand an auction without anonymity would be a privately held auction, suggested by @godzilla! i could see THOSE being fun between friends.

    otherwise, yeah. i think knowing who you're bidding against creates an unhealthy environment for the community.

    i don't want to end up tagging EVERYONE who added a post. i do appreciate the feedback and hearing similar sentiments over the auction system. i'd say i agree with all points brought up!

    Apr 14th, 2019
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 2:58 AM
    Nr. 11 #32000 6
    Ooh, I really like Eura's suggestion of making bidding anonymous. For me it always seems like the same few people I'm bidding against, and it feels pretty frustrating to get a bunch of notifications to see the same user has bid on all the items i just bid on.... when they hadn't been on the auction thread before I had bid. I feel like this can make it waaayyy less frustrating!

    I also really like the suggestion of a global user market search. Some things just.... aren't sold in the auctions, or at least not often. Like when I was on a quest to complete my recipe book, I'd need like. 4 Devolution Fruits or 2 Bearberries and want to buy them, but there weren't any in the auction house. And when I looked through usershops, it was so hard! Because there's like, interaction groups, where you exhaust all the people in that group (by clicking on the recent interactions for the person's page you're on) and have to find someone new to start over again.

    To deal with the above, I resorted to the dealer's den on the discord. Which was.... also not great. Like, I got the stuff eventually. But I 1.) felt annoying posting in there all the time and 2.) none of us knew good prices and it felt awkward to hash them out in public, like I was going to be called out if I said a price that was super under what it should be, called out for scamming someone when I'm not aware of the prices that anything goes for. So the whole thing was..... intensely anxiety-inducing!

    I rambled a lot here but I feel like I have some good points in there..... Overall I'm mostly okay with auctions, but still feel the frustration others have mentioned in this thread.

    Forgot to mention! I really hate when people bid more than 1PC for certain things. Like with the Albino Colorcrow, people would increase it by 500PC or even 1,000PC, and it felt so... needless. The prices were already so high, only the rich players like myself were in the bidding war, so why make the winner spend an extra 5,000PC+ on the item, when what won the auction was diligence, not money. For less in-demand items, the increase should be a lot more than 1PC, because it's more likely that the bidders aren't both rich and willing to spend 10,000PC+ for the item. It's just.... not great overall, but I don't know if this is an issue the site can fix, or an issue with the community.
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 3:33 AM
    Nr. 12 #32002 4
    This seems more fitting for the Suggestions board, so I'm moving it there. I have my own opinions on this which I'll post later. I will say that there are a lot of good points and suggestions brought up here.
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    Sep 18th, 2019
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 3:41 AM
    Nr. 13 #32003 2
    Quote by: @BK47
    This seems more fitting for the Suggestions board, so I'm moving it there. I have my own opinions on this which I'll post later. I will say that there are a lot of good points and suggestions brought up here.

    thank you!! (i'm not very forum-savvy ^^;; )
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 8:02 AM
    Nr. 14 #32014 2
    I've bid 100-200 pc at a time before, but it's mostly when I'm in a hurry. I totally understand how it can be unfair towards new players who just want to progress on the game. However, it was confirmed that we're not getting the usershop search, sadly, but for good reasons too. That would make the early birds snatch all the rare items, possibly in batches, not giving anyone else a chance. and even if the amount of items you could buy per day was limited, imagine a hundred players looking to find the same newly-released item at the same time. At least items that were once paid thousands for lose value over time, so best you can do is wait a little :) There's no joy in beating a game too quickly anyway ^^
    hunter-z's Signature

    Jan 11th, 2019
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 10:49 AM
    Nr. 15 #32017 2
    Looks like I slept through a super interesting discussion^^

    Personally I enjoy the auctions. Granted, I think there could be improvements (beeing able to list more auctions, listing auctions for shorter times, more customization options of the snipeguard and minimum increase of bids...) but generally I don't think it's a bad system since it gives players more to do than a system where you can buy the items instantly.
    Also if I need a specific item, the auctions are not the place I go to anyways. Discord is the best place for that so I don't have to interact with the auctions if I don't want to. Which of cource means they are only as stressfull to me as I want them to be^^

    I do think there is a huge problem with the economy and a lot of the frustrations mentioned in this topic are a result of that problem. The auction system is just showing the symptoms, not causing them though. The problem really boils down to inflation and too many rarer items/eggs with not enough use for them in my opinion. While we are hopefully soon getting a good pc sink, we also recently had more pc added to the game through roodoku, which was a terrible and unnecessary idea^^'

    Mar 8th, 2019
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 11:10 AM
    Nr. 16 #32018 2
    Then it's an issue of overabundance of Pc. If that gets more controlled, then people won't buy out everything rare from Usershops if a global usershop search existed. I remember in April 500 Pc was considered a high price, and only a handful of users had a lot of pc and would bid 1000pc just because they could (those were actually random acts of kindness! Bid on Auctions held by users who didn't have some badges, so a high bidder would do this to gift a badge). Now it all increased ten-fold, 200pc is high for newbies but very low for established accounts, that's why the wealth of accounts became so uneven in power and so noticable and detrimental to newbie progress. Some newbies won't wait 3 months until they can send 7 pets out at a time and each would bring back a lot of pc/things to be hoard sold (eggs, etc).

    It's an issue of inflation then, and if that gets stabilized then maybe searching Usershops could be possible in the future? Edit.: or the auction house would become less of a hassle.

    Jul 14th, 2019
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 3:03 PM
    Nr. 17 #32023 2
    As previously said, the main problem is the lack of money sinks for older/richer players once they got to the biggest or one of the biggest houses (you could expand your inventory but the prices are TOO high after a certain point and discourage to use it).

    That plus the fact that searching for certain things in usershops/forum is not possible, creates the economy we have now.

    I wholeheartly support the suggestion to had a global Usershop search, as well as implement new ways to use your PC and the eggs.
    Maybe you can trade a certain number of eggs for a statue of that specific pixpet? (which you cant sell) Buy specific Potion Ingredients? (Like Potassium or Natrium who are only used for one single kind of Potion)

    Maybe you can spend a big amount of PC to recolor a decoration, saving you from buying it or hoard for it against RNG.

    But also: never take an auction personal, i had my fair share of tense bidding wars with one or the other but i brush it off, we both want that item so a fight is on.

    Also dont forget that they are people like you, maybe you can send a PM and strike a deal. When i needed a 30+ Lucid seed to combine one i have to G100 (was just out of range for fertilizer), i PM'ed someone who was bidding with me and offered to gift what is left once i have them combined. Saved both of us PC and time.
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 4:02 PM
    Nr. 18 #32025 1
    As a richer player, yeah there's definitely an overabundance issue with PC occurring as others have pointed out. While I get Roodoku was added so newer players would be able to earn PC easier, newer players aren't the only ones that can access and benefit from that minigame. Sure, I can't consistently beat roodoku at all for the life of me, but there's definitely several richer players who can and will take advantage of that.

    Even if Roodoku wasn't a thing though, I still think there would be an inflation issue. There just aren't enough good PC sinks currently. Not everyone want to expand their inventory space to infinity and beyond, or buy the biggest house ever. Pixpet Adventure's apparently something that should address this problem, but that (understandably) will take a while to implement.

    A part of me almost wonders if the price of SPC should be increased to account for the inflation, but on the other hand, there are some who still don't use those potions anyway, and it could result in backlash rather than praise if such an idea's implemented (Especially for newer players who already can have trouble earning PC).

    Like what several others have mentioned already, I think the auction system is a symptom of the issue rather than the cause of it. I'm also admittedly a person that can bid fairly high, but that's also because I don't want to drown a person in bidding notifications, and keeping up with bid wars can get tiring.

    A usershop search definitely sounds good on paper, but like Hunter's already mentioned, that could potentially result in more frustration thanks to people sniping all of the good deals, especially as the amount of members on this site inevitably grows.

    EDIT: I also just realized houses in a way are another method in which inflation occurs. The more pixpets you can send out, the more PC you can get overall via hoards, and that's guaranteed to occur. Having 10+ pixpets out on hoards adds up quickly even if the pixpets take a while to return.

    Dec 25th, 2018
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 4:44 PM
    Nr. 19 #32027 7
    Quote by: @Silverbolt
    A usershop search definitely sounds good on paper, but like Hunter's already mentioned, that could potentially result in more frustration thanks to people sniping all of the good deals, especially as the amount of members on this site inevitably grows.

    I don't personally understand this criticism. Basically every other petsite ever made has had an open marketplace, and I can't think of a single one that people suggested removing entirely in favor of auctions as a way to solve any sort of issues with the games economy. If the only reason there are any good deals out there or items worth selling is that not enough people want to wrestle with the auction house, that is an artificial "solution" to a problem whose root cause is the poorly economy.

    I also want to say, unrelated to Silverbolt's post, I think people saying to just not take auctions personally as a means of advice are missing the point a bit. Yes I think if a game is upsetting you so much you should self regulate and not use it or the feature that frustrates you so much, but that isn't the actual problem. The problem is the complete and total lack of community on pixpets, because of the mechanics that cause every user to be directly at odds with each other. I know there are small community forum games/events/contests as well as a discord server. But those are supplemental and not core mechanics of the site. Meaning there is a large chunk of the userbase who likely doesn't participate in those, and whose only interaction with others on the site is through the auction house or MAYBE the sales forum. There's no working together or even just purely positive transnational interactions besides playing with each others pixpets. That quickly leads to players being extremely jaded towards each other due to almost every experience being negative and competitive.

    What adds to that is that it isn't fair competition either. Most people can't afford giant price hikes. Most people can save for a new house for weeks and just not be online when they get restocked and be stuck in their small house for longer. Most people can't spend a ton on potions and SPC to get all the event items, or rare decor. Most people can't even use a lot of decor in their homes because they're stuck in the smaller ones. There is literally a class disparity on the website, which is almost hilarious but also just not fun. Personally I have a lot of money and a big house and I'm just bored. Its not really fun for me to outbid people wildly knowing they have no hope of spending as much as I can. Its also not fun knowing how many rich players are out there lowballing all their auctions despite being able to pay significantly more than they do. Its also not fun having ADHD and just forgetting to bid for 10 and a half minutes and miss an auction I spent an hour trying to babysit.
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    4 Years ago
    Nov 14th, 2019 - 5:41 PM
    Nr. 20 #32029 1
    I’m terrified of voicing my own opinions on here but this is a really interesting thread and I couldn’t help myself.
    There’s definitely too much PC in the economy, and a PC sink is very much needed for older players. I really like Yubelchen’s trade-eggs-for-statues idea. Releasing eggs is a constant source of good PC so that might help a bit(the statues must be reasonably attainable for old and new players, so needing 99 Feliphene eggs is a no-go). This might also help the egg economy, and make it worth participating in. I really hope it doesn’t turn into a dragon scale/jade orb situation but I have my doubts, knowing the community. At least most eggs aren’t stupidly rare, and you can narrow them down with colors. Even if this happens, it may pull richer players away from furniture sales, giving newer players a better shot at deco items.

    I also really like the maximum bid idea. Nothing is more annoying when you’re in the middle of a bidding war, then someone comes in and drops 1000PC+ on the item(that is worth far less!) instead of bidding bit by bit like everyone else. But if it were optional, I wonder how many players would use it. The auction house is mostly for making money. And I’m not sure how many players are willing to put that aside for the good of the community if it means they might make less from auctions.

    And ah yes, the snipeguard, the bane of my existence >_<
    On multiple occasions I’ve stayed up bidding for HOURS after the first snipeguard. Then I notice it’s actually 1am and I need to go to bed instead of bidding on a game(what am I doing with my life). I think my record is three hours if I remember correctly. I’ve tried to think of solutions for the longest time, but I just can’t come up with anything. I feel like some of these problems are unfortunately due to how auctions work in general. Auctions in real life still boil down to who has the most money unfortunately, or how fast you can snipe stuff.
    And about the bidding notifications, why don’t we have a “disable New Bid notifications” option? With how common bidding wars are, it just hit me that we really need one.

    Part of any game is leveling up, getting stronger, etc. Having less options at the beginning of the game and building from there is part of the gameplay, and the fun. And it’s quite satisfying to look back and see how much progress you’ve made. If you lose an auction, think of it this way: you just saved yourself a heckin ton of PC that can go towards other things, like getting potion ingredients so you can maybe get the thing you want at a cheaper price, or a bigger house, etc. Also, that shiny new item may go down in value over time so you may have a better chance at getting it later for less PC.

    In general, I like the concept of an auction house. I just wish it was balanced better, if that’s possible. But I hate to see new players having such frustrating experiences with the game, especially with the limited time stuff. And the pixdex is becoming harder to fill as well with the addition of those absolutely cursed unique evolution items(I really wish alt forms didn’t go towards the pixdex count).
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