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Improvementwhy does the auction system exist? (26 Posts and 325 Views)

Jan 18th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Nov 14th, 2019 - 6:28 PM
Nr. 21 #32032 4
I agree with a lot of the sentiments expressed here, but there's something I'd like to add.
The auction house (at least in my experience) seems to favor people with a lot of time on their hands (in addition to a lot of pixcoins). This seems to manifest as either: 1) an auction ends when you're not around (ex. sleeping), and since people like to bid at the very end of auctions, you can't even begin a bidding war for that item; or 2) you simply don't have the time to carry out an extended bidding war.

As a college student, I really do not have the time to be on pixpet constantly just to check the auctions I've bid on to make sure that I win that item in the end. I absolutely have the pixcoins to do it, but I just don't have the time.

In regards to scenario 1, this happened a lot when I was a new player just trying to get a second plant pot or a second pixpet. In addition to not having much pixcoins in the first place, many of the auctions ended when I wasn't playing. This can probably be combined with the fact that there isn't much reason to stay on the site for long periods of time (especially when you're new and there really isn't much to do but wait around).

Scenario 2 is more of a recent problem for me since I almost never use the auction house for buying things anymore (due to scenario 1 happening to me so often). The most relevant example I can give is trying to get one colocrow egg. I almost gave up the small bidding war for that egg just because I had to get ready for class soon! It worked out for me in the end, but it really highlights the fact that some people may just stop bidding because they no longer have the time, rather than being worn out by the other player (not that either of these situations are ideal).

I personally don't have any new suggestions for a solution to this. As I've said, I avoid the auction house as much as possible just because I dislike the system so much. I'm not very competitive, so I dislike bidding wars and having to bid on an item more than once. It seems ridiculous to me that in order to enjoy this site to any capacity that I have to avoid such a big part of it. There are items I will probably never obtain even once just because I won't use the auction house to get them.

Sep 18th, 2019
Posts: 27
Pixpets: 27
Pixdex: 11
4 Years ago
Nov 14th, 2019 - 6:54 PM
Nr. 22 #32033 1
Personally, I think auction works for what it does. It allows for people to get items they want, but I also feel that there should be just a normal shop for things like pots and seeds, necessary things that you need to play the game. If we had a market price set for each item, it would work so much better. Add in something like the House Market, but just for items. A normal shop that works much better.

Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 85
Pixpets: 182
Pixdex: 136
4 Years ago
Dec 1st, 2019 - 10:10 PM
Nr. 23 #32623
The auction system is good for getting pixpet eggs to people. Though it could use some improvements, they need a simple confirmation popup to prevent lag and autofill from messing up your bids lost 3k that could have been prevented with a confirmation popup box.

Sep 25th, 2019
Posts: 57
Pixpets: 57
Pixdex: 49
4 Years ago
Jan 5th, 2020 - 10:08 PM
Nr. 24 #33448
Bringing this thread back b/c I've lost like, 5 auctions in the past day to +1 PC snipe bidders and/or +1000 PC high-rollers. If the auctions have to stay, at least give us an actual working shop system to directly purchase items and eggs.
Kroj's Signature

Dec 31st, 2019
Posts: 71
Pixpets: 55
Pixdex: 39
4 Years ago
Jan 5th, 2020 - 10:32 PM
Nr. 25 #33449
I've only been on this site a short while but I have to throw my two cents in because the auction house has been nothing but bothersome for me. I struggle to get 100 pc+ items and eggs because players with more money than me love to come in and jack up the price to the point that prices I previously considered an economic deal become no longer worth it, and I struggle to get 1-10 pc cheap buys because other players love to get in tiresome +1 bidding wars with me or just grab the items while I'm asleep. This is to say nothing of how ludicrously long some bids are. I do not have nine days to sit around twiddling my thumbs waiting for one egg. It's a total lose-lose scenario and it makes me feel like the few bids I've won were total flukes.

In an ideal world, the usershop system would be a good counterbalance to this, however there's no easy way to search usershops. You pretty much have to either beg in the Discord or crawl the Dealer's Den sub forum hoping you find the specific plant, potion, or furniture you're looking for. I feel like the most elegant solution here is just making usershops more intuitive. Make them easier to search so I can actually get what I want instead of having to hope that maybe I stumble upon a well stocked user or that somebody else doesn't muscle me out in the auction house if someone miraculously puts up what I'm looking for.
NuVonde's Signature
nove | he / him | ???

Jan 9th, 2019
Posts: 146
Pixpets: 99
Pixdex: 39
4 Years ago
Jan 6th, 2020 - 12:25 AM
Nr. 26 #33451 2
I agree with pretty much every point made against the current auction system.

This game desperately needs a shop search, end of story.

When I'm casually trying to make potions or evobars and don't have an item, I groan because going to the forums to find someone selling them or making my own topic, is just a huge pain in the ass. Even if there is one on the AH I won't bother on the chance that I have to bid war with a single PC to get it and watch it like a hawk. And in the end I usually end up just not making whatever I wanted.

Although not a lot of players use their shop at the moment, if a shop search was added it would get used more often. However with a shop search, the limit on the amount of times you can buy from one person, and the actual shop stock size must be increased.

Auction Houses in pet games should be largely for big ticket items, especially those that are rare or new and rare, etc. Not for common-ish items that a lot of people want so instead of people just buying it, they're fighting over it because there is no way to search shops for it. The one on Neopets really just exists because there is a limit on how much you can bid money wise on the Trading Post and in Shops, Flightrising's "Auction House" is just flatsales and any auctions for items or pets are done via the forums, etc.

I think the egg auction house works okay if only for legendary eggs. I'm disappointed that we still can't sell eggs via private auction or in shops, though.

If the AH has to continue to exist (which I really don't think it's necessary for this game, at least not right now), there needs to be an option for sellers to opt out on the snipe guard. I really don't care if someone wants to swoop in at the last second and buy my item, I just want it sold and not have to wait for the 1 PC bid war to end.
Valtien's Signature
I go by Valtien or Weisk!toyhouse | Weisk#1530
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