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ImprovementSell/Stash Hoard Return Items Upgrade (2 Posts and 22 Views)
Topic Tags: hoarding, hoard, items, hoard return
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Jan 30th, 2018
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4 Years ago
Mar 12th, 2020 - 1:02 AM
Nr. 1 #35198 3
It's a simple suggestion but one that I would appreciate.

When my pixpets return with 8 or 9 items and I'm choosing which I want to sell or stash, it's pretty irritating having to click each one individually. It's nice if I want to sell all of them, because there's a button for that. Or if I want to stash all of them, because there's a button for that. But if I want to do a mix of the two, I have two choices.

1. Count the items I want to stash and those I want to sell. Manually click the shorter of the two sets and then use the "Do All" button for the other set. (This is what I do now) If the items are split 50/50 then it doesn't matter.

2. Manually stash or sell all the items individually, which is pretty slow when you have 8 or 9 items to go through.

Replace the Sell and Add to Inventory buttons with a check box. I can check to add or sell the item, then at the bottom (or top) add an option for doing the selected option. Think of it similar to how combining seeds and averaging grades works. This way, I can make a choice for each item once and then process the choices all at once.

The only reason why option 2 above is slower than option 1 is because I have to wait for the page to reload every time and then scroll back down to the items. If I didn't have to do that, then I could process the items much faster.
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4 Years ago
Mar 12th, 2020 - 2:27 AM
Nr. 2 #35199 1
Support. The hoard loot page is almost perfect, but there's still so many page reloads involved with it. Imagine having to deal with that on a bad connection. Checkboxes would help greatly.
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