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Looking for something to pass the time? (1 Post and 54 Views)

Apr 18th, 2020
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3 Years ago
May 20th, 2020 - 5:53 PM
Nr. 1 #36473 2

I created an interactive story a while back, mostly for myself because I was bored at work. I never expected to finish it, but I also never expected to be stuck at home for several months...

In short, it's an adventure/puzzle game made out of Google forms. Kind of like a very short and cheap version of Professor Layton or Phoenix Wright.

"Lurking in the shadows does one no good, intrepid one.
Come, come close and read the cards that will guide your path.
In the winds, I have heard rumors even I cannot decipher...
Can you help me?"

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, try it!

Includes the following features:
- Original illustrations here and there
- Dialogue with options
- Only one ending, so you don't have to second-guess every choice you make
- Original and hopefully straightforward puzzles
- A gentle introduction to my favorite tarot, Lenormand

I'd also love feedback. I've done this on my own and would truly appreciate any comment, criticism, love letter or formal complaint!

Finally, if you are the kind of person with stories in their head and a love for puzzles, I would love to encourage you to do something similar. Google Forms is free and you can do truly wonderful things with it. If you would like to try it out, I'd be more than happy to help you.

And with that, thank you for reading and have a lovely day~
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